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Posts posted by Konstantin

  1. I found out that the grad committee in my dept had met sometime last week and that my name was pretty high on the rankings list! I think that now my application is entered into the university-wide competition and if successful, it will leave the university sometime late-December. 


    I think in total I went through 20 or so drafts of my proposal, 5 from my supervisor, 5 from my committee members and another 10 from other faculty in my dept. The way I see them, SSHRC proposals are never really in their final draft! Thank God for deadlines, haha.


    3rd time applying, held an MA SSHRC, an Ontario Graduate Scholarship and another major fellowship, and 5 or 6 smaller awards I have 4 refereed journal articles, about 10 conference presentations, solid reference letters.


    From what I heard the only thing that really matters is your SSHRC proposal, references, and grades. Other stuff is a tie-breaker basically!

  2. I'm a second year PhD student in the States, and will be mailing off my application directly to SSHRC tomorrow. I'm not sure what to expect as this is my first SSHRC application, but I think I put together the best application I could have and I don't think I've ever put more effort into two pages in my life  :) Best of luck, everyone!


    I think we are all in the same boat here Safferz! It's a lot of work to put together a strong application, and the process is always a lottery! 


    Just watched Jerry Maguire last night -- "SHOW ME THE MONEY!" Let this be our SSHRC motto.

  3. Hello! I too am in the process of putting the finishing touches on my application for the Nov. 6th direct applicant deadline. I'm a PhD student in the US. 


    I have a question regarding the listing of fellowship amounts in the Credentials section that I'm hoping someone can answer. Currently, I'm on a university fellowship that includes tuition remission, a stipend, and health insurance. Do I factor in all of those to calculate the worth of the fellowship, or just list the amount of the stipend?


    Thanks, and good luck to all!


    Hi Aubergine, I was advised by my grad chair to include only the amount awarded for the fellowship part of the offer (i.e. the stipend) and exclude the amount for the TA-ship (since it is not a scholarship, but rather a part-time job). And I would definitely exclude health insurance. I'm not certain about tuition remission (unless this is in the form of a TA-ship, then I would exclude it).

  4. Every Canadian university with a quota as to proceed to departmental evaluations (A: recommended or B:not recommended). They have to communicate the result of those evaluation as per the SSHRC's rules. The applications which are A-listed by the department are entered in the national competition and then evaluated by one of the five committees.

    So, does this mean that graduate studies departments in this universities play no role in determining which applications are forwarded and which are not? My letter came from grad studies and not from my dept. for some reason.


    I know for a fact that once my department ranks its applicants (no one is A-listed, but is rather ranked from 1 being the strongest, etc.), the list is forwarded to grad studies, who has a quota of how many applicants they are able to recommend for adjudication by SSHRC (i.e. forwarding the qualifying applications). Grad studies amalgamates applications from all depts based on their rank. This way only strongest applications from each dept are forwarded. This is why quotas matter -- they are university-wide, not department wide. So, A and B lists are created by grad studies and later by SSHRC, while rankings are generated by the department you are currently in. I think other schools have similar procedures.

  5. My university (Carleton) usually sends notifications to all SSHRC applicants just before Christmas holidays indicating whether their applications will be forwarded to SSHRC for adjudication or not (after the department internally ranks all applicants). I wonder if other universities do the same? I wasn't successful last year and got the letter from university in the first week of January saying my app wasn't forwarded. So I guess for unsuccessful applicants the wait is a little shorter!

  6. Hey- if you are 'fully funded' in your program currently, do you put that down in the credentials section? If so, what do you call it? I have my department's standard funding package + a small scholarship. Should I list them separately?


    I would list them separately especially if one is an entrance scholarship and another one is a multiyear funding package.

  7. I was bumped from the waitlist as well! Does anyone know what I should put the "Study Start Period" as? I'm a 2nd year doctoral student so I'm a full time student all year round. Can you choose May 2012 and get a lump sum of money?

    You should read carefully the Payment and Conditions Fact Sheet, all the info is there.

  8. I just tried checking my OGS status and got the message:

    "Access to the online application and status is currently not available because of a scheduled update. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience. Please check back later."

    Has anyone else tried logging in? I am on the wait list for the OGS and wonder whether this may mean anything.

  9. A big thank-you goes out to those declining their SSHRCs/other tri-council funding and posting their decisions on this forum so that ppl on the OGS wait list may have a shot or at least know that more OGSs will be available. Just received an email from the grad chair at the university I'll be attending in September saying that he has often seen applicants get off the OGS wait list successfully in the past. Although, he also said it may take a while. I imagine that ppl on the wait list (including me) won't hear anything until after June 29 (which is the date to accept/decline OGS).

    Not to get anyone's hopes up, but many of us will get the OGS once the successful tri-council applicants decline theirs! Although I've read on this forum that wait listees rarely get an OGS, I say let's be optimistic (but not overly) and keep our spirits high!

    Here are some of my OGS application stats

    Grad GPA: 3.93.

    5 refereed conference presentations

    1 refereed and 1 non-refereed publications

    Funding: MA SSHRC, U of Manitoba Grad. Fellowship ($12,000), and 5 other scholarships; 8 conference travel grants (including SSHRC)

    1 year RA experience + 4 years of Ethics Board service

    Excellent reference letters

    Plan of Study was reviewed by 3 reputable and experienced department members (Sociology, UManitoba)

    Hope this helps.

  10. Yeah, I won a SSHRC so cannot accept OGS, but still want to win so I can fill in another line on my CV even if it is a deferred award.

    You would not be able to defer an OGS (with the exception of compassionate grounds) if you are successful, you can only decline it, and this would give ppl on the waitlist a chance. Pretty sure you can still note that you received and reclined it on your CV. Congrats on SSHRC!

  11. Got my letter today: direct applicant and rejected Group B.

    I got a rejection letter as well. That's alright, I know a few of my colleagues who didn't get a SSHRC entering their Ph.D. programs but once in in the program, the chances of getting a SSHRC seem to be considerably better (all 3 of my friends got a SSHRC going into their 2nd year). As surefire said, there's always next year!

    And there's still OGS results to be released in May :)

  12. nice work raccoonface! what part of the country do you live in? when am I gonna get my letter all the way out here in the west, I wonder?

    Blurry: after the Group A/B decision the next set of decisions aren't mailed out til late April ... so, the waiting game continues

    Hey congrats raccoonface and thanks for the update! You seem to be one of the first of the bunch to get notified by SSHRC (likely because of your location). Now it's time for the rest of us.

    @rontron, I'm also in Winnipeg -- I will make sure to post on here once I get a letter from SSHRC, unless you get yours first.

  13. I'm a direct applicant and as of today, I have not yet received any notifications from SSHRC regarding the date of release of competition results (or any information about whether I am on the A or B list). Anyone have any updates re: direct SSHRC application results?

  14. I heard from SSHRC by email that they received my application on Nov 7, 2011 (which was the deadline for the applications). I have not heard from SSHRC since. Some of my friends applied through the university (U of Manitoba) and received notifications whether they have been A- or B-listed in January or late December. It would be only fair if the direct applicants received similar notifications, so I would assume they are coming to us shortly.

  15. Hey Everyone! I got a bit annoyed at the fact that there were no updates on the OSAP website re: my OGS application, so I finally called them up. They said that the updated information will be available mid-February. That's all they know.

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