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Everything posted by Xie

  1. How do I deal with it? Denial. Or, rather, I maintain the "I know what I want and I am going to do it no matter what" mindset. I'll just say both.
  2. Gosh, this is so true. Read through her interviews if you haven't already. I love that it takes her years to complete a novel. Unlike James Patterson, who writes a book a day (or has someone else write most of them).
  3. Donna Tartt's The Secret History. Very nice modern read and quite academic. I absolutely love her writing. Her other novel, The Little Friend, is currently studied in colleges nationwide and I have not yet read it. Cormac McCarthy's The Road (get ready to get down in the dumps). One of my former professors just keeps the novel on his bedside table, but can't bring himself to read it. He says he is not ready. Speaking of gloom, Faulkner's Sanctuary is incredible. The opening scene with Benbow and Popeye is so beautifully constructed. Faulkner is definitely one author I wish I could have had the pleasure of meeting. If you don't have mood swings for some time after reading his works, then I'd say you're only grazing the surface of what is really there.
  4. I was taught to use the em dash, but I remember there was controversy among my professors about where to place spaces in conjunction with the dash. I finally settled with putting a space after the dash, but not before.
  5. The improper use of the semicolon. It's tragic when used incorrectly. So much can be produced from that one little punctuation mark. While we're on the topic, check out Pico Iyer's essay linked below. http://www.msmc.la.edu/PDFFiles/Religious%20Studies%20Dept/Articles/in_praise_of_the_humble_comma_Pico_iyer%20-%20Time%20June%2013.pdf Oh, and another pet peeve is the overuse of the dash. I got into that dash funk as a Freshman in college. Not good!
  6. Great, thanks! I just saw the tuition, so I'm not too let down! The courses do look very intriguing. However, I like that everyone has access to the lectures. Very nice.
  7. Anyone participated in this program? I am currently completing my MA at Middlebury College's Bread Loaf School of English in the summers (LOVE IT!), but I am looking to take a course or two this fall. Perhaps I can transfer in these classes. I found this program through a friend. Would love to hear your thoughts or experiences, if any. Thanks!
  8. I'm currently pursuing my MA. I quit my full time job to help my husband grow his business and we cannot afford daycare for my 2 year old. Anyone know of any good freelance editing jobs? I've been turfed work from former professors and have received a few potentials on my own (dissertations and manuscripts), but nothing steady. I don't live near big time (or small time) publishing companies, so any advice is appreciated! Thanks!
  9. Not to state the obvious, but I think this depends on your individual situation. I chose the MA program because of where I currently live (no schools offering Phd programs around here). If I lived closer to UVA or some other school allowing for a "condensed" MA directly leading into a Phd program, I probably would have gone for that. Though, now that I am completing the MA, I do not think I could have skipped it. I'm very happy with my decision and I'm more than delighted with the Pell grants that I receive each year. It has been the cheapest route for me. I've also been pleasantly surprised with the unique learning opportunities, intellectual stimulation of the faculty, and the multifaceted approach of the courses. For these reasons, I believe I'll be a more versatile literary professor because of the MA. The hard part will be finding a decent (and close) Phd program when I complete the MA. Anyone ever uproot your family just so you can get your Phd? I HATE the thought of online Phd programs (not a snob, just love the classroom). Well, maybe we'll move before that time! Good luck!
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