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    Victorian fin de siecle, especially science fiction with a focus on women's studies

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  1. Got an unsolicited email today that said, "Right now your file is pending. We are finishing up our admissions process for the fall and you should be getting a letter soon from the Grad School." That means what exactly?
  2. This is absolutely ridiculous!!
  3. Well, I guess today isn't the day
  4. My MA program is, like said above, about a book per week. So, if you go full time that is 3 novels a week. In my experience in almost every class so far, I've also had to make a presentation (usually about 20 minutes in length). Several of my professors have a short critical analysis due every week (ranging from 500-1000 words). Some have 2-3 short papers during the semester (ranging around 1500 words each). The average length of the "big" papers is 15 pages. I've had no problems with other grad students being backstabbers or overly competitive. Most of them have been somewhat friendly, although there are a lot of cliques. Many of them got their BA from the school I'm at, so they have known each other for years and all know the professors. They tend to stick together, but they haven't been mean or anything. I would echo the previous sentiments. I've met with some professors up to 8 times a semester. All of my professors have been fantastic with being willing to meet and offer help with papers or advice on PhD programs. It is really important to establish relationships with your professors.
  5. I'm going crazy here. I keep checking the results board. Haven't they made us wait long enough?
  6. Mine doesn't say anything about place on the waitlist. It doesn't say I'm near the very top, so that's good for you! I wonder where that means I am and how many people are on this crazy wait list?
  7. No mine was a standard form email. Was yours more specific?
  8. While I was told I was waitlisted last Friday, I got my official waitlisted email today, so those of you still waiting, perhaps they are coming soon!
  9. I've been rejected to 9, accepted to 1 (with a wait list for funding), and waitlisted at another all together. At this point, I'm going nowhere in the Fall (due to lack of funding), so be happy with your acceptance! I'm mentally preparing for Round 2.
  10. When I look up some of my favorite professors within my MA, most of them have very low ratings. These professors are said to be hard graders, have unclear expectations, are elitists, etc. etc. They even have comments such as, "you actually have to read the books in this class" and "this teacher never gives A's". As far as I'm concerned, they are tough professors because they have high expectations for their students, and they aren't going to accept laziness, which means mad students who don't want to work give them low ratings. They are the teachers who have challenged me (in fabulous ways), who have caused me to grow as a scholar, and who have been extremely supportive outside of class, as well.
  11. Here's what Dr. Wegner told me on Friday. "We are in fact in the middle of contacting all those who applied to our program, and the process will be completed sometime in the next week or so. But, if you contact them, they may give you your status. That's how I found out I was on the wait list.
  12. That's really good to know. Did he give any indication of how big the wait list is? I wonder if it's rude to ask or to ask where my place on the list is.
  13. Got a weird response to my email inquiring about my application. It said, "At this time we are still waiting for our first round offers to make their decisions. You were not in that rounds of offers and should seriously consider any other offers you have received." Is that a rejection? Does that mean there will be a round 2 if people decline? Anybody know what this means?
  14. Just for anyone who may be wondering, I did receive an email back from Dr. Wegner this morning. Part of the email said, "We are in fact in the middle of contacting all those who applied to our program, and the process will be completed sometime in the next week or so. While we are unable to offer you admission at this time, you are currently on our waitlist, and this means our admissions committee was impressed by your application and feels that you will thrive in a strong doctoral program." So...that means they aren't finished for those of you still waiting. Those of you accepted, if you think there's a chance you might go elsewhere, PM me. I would love to go to UF!
  15. Well, I can't take it anymore! I emailed every program that I am still waiting on, only because all the schools I haven't heard from have already issued acceptances, waitlists, and/or rejections. I'm going crazy over here. I would rather know than live in hopeful denial. Whoever said, "Ignorance is bliss" surely never felt the torture that is applying for PhD programs. I'll post anything I hear, especially for all of you who are in the same boat as me. Can't they just tell us already???
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