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Everything posted by cresxxl

  1. I called the admissions and was told that the wailtlisted students will start hearing about the final decisions no earlier than May 1. So I guess we should start hearing from them soon. Cheers
  2. Waitlisted as well...
  3. Still waiting...
  4. Thx! Still nothing though.
  5. Is it the applyyourself portal? Haven't seen any update yet...
  6. I'm applying to two programs of Georgetown University, as I can't have two program choices in one online application, do I need to finish one first and then start with the other? Or I can simply register with another e-mail address and work on both simultaneously? Many Thanks!!!
  7. I am STILL waiting for the result of my first choice : ScPo-LSE dual degree in International Affairs, anyone on the same boat? In Feb. they told me the result would be given soon after the 3.13 deadline; then last month, the answer changed to 'April'; However, just a couple of weeks ago when I asked them again the one who picked up the phone told me that I just need to wait maybe 2 weeks after 11, April. and guess what? Yesterday when I asked them again the answer was 'end of May'. God! And I'd also like to ask you if the detailed admission status still show on your toapply webpage? Mine only shows 'program, date and payment stuff'
  8. Hey all, Which schools are strong in the Middle East related studies ( both in the states and globally)? e.g. have very famous faculty/ great courses/ good alumni network, etc I'd like to set my major in IR/MPA/MPPand have my concentrations on the Middle East region, development, policies... and then work in these fields after my graduate studies. THANK YOU!
  9. I was accepted to MPA/IR dual degree but didn't get a buck for financial assistance. I'll defer the study for a year and work first most likely. However, I have a poor GRE performance... do you think if I retake the exam and hit a high score would help me getting some scholarship next year? & The job offer I got was in banking, will this 'work experience' make sense to the admission committee at all? Or 'not even close'... Looking for your advice!
  10. Thank you for your advice Yo_yo 86. Yea I have to wait for another few weeks to know about the results of scholarships and then figure out which program would be the best choice. And about the PR job, I think it will still take me some time to decide whether to work first,( but not only for one year )and reapply for the programs after some years or to put it off my plan and directly go to grad school. Syracuse and ScPo both does offer IR students a global internship opportunity, and it seems to be helpful for someone like me. However actually I have no idea whether the US schools or European ones are better for me if I wanna start my career with UN agencies in the mid east in the future... any idea? THX!
  11. I have to choose one between the listed names in the title and I'd really need to hear your opinions and suggestions! The programs are: MPA/IR dual degree--Maxwell, Syracuse MPA- IUB International Public Management-Sciences Po (Still waiting for the decision of the dual degree of Int'l Relations offered by ScPo and LSE) My background: Int'l Student. Senior in my undergrad study. So I do not have any full-time job experience, as these are all professional programs and I don't know would this be a big disadvantage if I choose to go for the MA directly. I want to work in the field of int'l development, or consulting on int'l relations( especially with a major interest in the Mid-East as I studied Arabic & Mid-East studies in my undergrad) after I graduate. I wish I'd work for those big international organizations now but seems that all of the positions require a relevant MA degree... -so I'd like to know that which of those schools would best help me getting the kind of job that I want to do? -Sadly I also heard that these years it'd be very difficult for int'l students to get ideal jobs like that, is it true? -Do you think some working experience in an irrelevant field helpful or is it just a waste of time? I got a pretty good job offer which is about doing PR for a top FMCG company as a Management Trainee, but this would have nothing to do as my original career plan lies in the field of IR and development. I'm thinking that If this experience would be helpful I may defer my MA studies for 1 year or even re-apply to some better schools in the future. (Sadly USNews& the world report was the major source I relied on and recently I found that my research before I chose the schools to apply was insufficient, sigh) Thank you very much in advance and I'd really love to hear from any of you for advice!!! And wish all of you get admitted to your dream school!
  12. I remember that I at least received 2-3emails saying that my application is 'admissible' before the final result came out...
  13. ef8763a, I got accepted to the IPM program of SPo earlier this Feb. I'm a bit out of time now and I'll either write a post here or send you a PM. Anyway RELAX, it doesn't matter at all that you don't speak French I have no knowledge of French hehe Good luck!
  14. I got admitted to Sciences Po earlier this month for 2012 Fall admission. The program I applied for is 'international public management', anyone knows more about this program? And it's pretty hard for me to decide whether to join the MPA/IR program offered by Maxwell, Syracuse or this one offered by Sciences Po... :/ any ideas about pro n con s in mind?
  15. I also got admitted to the MPA/IR joint program by Jan.31~
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