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Everything posted by DualCitizenIR

  1. Can I ask which school mranderson? I studied abroad at Bogazici Universitesi last spring in the Dept of Political Science and International Relations. VERY high quality compared to my top 100 undergrad (for PoliSci). I agree with lost_0101, if you want to learn Turkish and work in Turkey, you'll be pretty well off with a degree from one of the best schools there like Istanbul U, Bogazici, ODTU, Bilkent, Koc, etc. (I'm originally Turkish but born and raised in the US... have visited Turkey SO many times though.) If you want to get work experience in Turkey (politics/IR related) for a number of years, finding work in Europe or North America will be based on your experience more than your school. Another thing is that top Turkish unis tend to be pretty well known in the regions of the Middle East, the Balkans, and Central Asia, so that is a plus.
  2. center right
  3. Wow, I am really interested in inequality as well, but I didn't apply for a Dev degree because I don't have any experience and didn't take many classes related to it... Hmm interesting that you mention auditing because I didn't know you could audit courses at LSE in different departments. Or I suppose I just never thought about it.
  4. Yeah Rosebery is a predominately UG hall, but they seem to have a PG wing. Thanks, and do you have a specialty within IntDev?
  5. Yeah sorry for mentioning IR... I wasn't thinking properly as you never mentioned your program/field. Well in my case, I don't have any work experience related to IR but I am not letting it hold me back from going to LSE. If you really think LSE will be worth the extra cost then go for it is what I think. Concerning funding, the Graduate Support Scheme at LSE is closed so if you haven't applied and heard back from that already, you most likely won't be getting any funding from LSE. So my specialty is the Middle East (and/or religion). There are a few modules on the region's politics so I might take one or two of those depending on how things pan out at registration. I applied for Rosebery, Lilian Knowles and Sidney Webb. As for Intercollegiate, it was Lillian Penson, International, and Canterbury. (Preference was LSE accommodation.) I basically tried to find the postgraduate halls that were somewhat cheap and not too far (Rosebery has a PG wing, apparently by the way.)
  6. Hmm I see your dilemma. I've heard good things about Warwick for IR from my professors (and then there are the league tables), but obviously there is the draw of LSE to consider. I didn't get any funding from any of Durham, SOAS, and LSE, so the choice was pretty obvious for me as the US schools funding was underwhelming at best and still overall more expensive than LSE or SOAS. Plus I couldn't bear to go all the way to Durham to save some money... The problem with my LSE application was that I applied very late compared to others so there wasn't really a chance of getting anything when the general lack of money in UK schools for international students is added to the equation. That is good to hear that you have hope yet on the funding front... Do you have any area in IR you want to specialize in?
  7. ^Hi nossessell, what are your other offers? Any funding to consider?
  8. Thanks for the response, Jenni! Sounds like Rosebery Hall, and I have heard good things about it here. Thanks for the offer. I've been to London once or twice and I feel the same way about the time to get places...odd. Ooh, and I like the sound of that library. Now it is just the waiting game... I am just waiting on the results of my application for LSE accomodation, then the visa application and loans etc. Thanks again, DC
  9. LSE (postgrad): http://www.facebook.com/groups/127797960671511/
  10. I accepted my offer at LSE the other day for the MSc in International Relations, and I was wondering if there were any others accepting their offer (or seriously considering one) during this application cycle for entry in 2012. I know there aren't that many people applying to European schools on GC (at least compared to TSR, which I am not a member of), but wouldn't mind chatting here about things like accomodation, visas, registration, logistics of living in London, etc., or even just LSE in general. Also, there is a nice facebook group for LSE offer holders (2012-13) here: http://www.facebook.com/groups/127797960671511/
  11. Thanks, lecorbeau! I hope they don't make it so that I have to study ALL the time... I'll bet you'll have the same kind of time in Geneva as well, for two years nonetheless!
  12. Thanks for all the tips guys. I accepted LSE last night!
  13. counter attack
  14. I ended up declining my acceptance to IRRN at BU. Hopefully that will help someone else out in terms of the graduate assistantship, as I was still under consideration for that. Sorry to hear that, by the way, msn. That sounds like a program in a right awful mess...
  15. situation room
  16. That is somewhat encouraging though they don't break down the percentage very well to keep it high. Thanks for posting that.
  17. pressure situation
  18. ridiculously slow
  19. ridiculously funny
  20. Probably the latter. I want to work somewhere in Europe hopefully, but I don't know much about the logistics of work permits, etc. I think going back to the US is more of a fall back option right now. What about you? Did you decide on attending LSE already?
  21. very young
  22. Many of my deadlines have been either the 13th or the 20th to get around that issue. (I actually don't have any deadline, from the programs I got into, that is on the 15th.) I am sure there won't be a problem sending it in on the 16th, but you might want to ask the program about it anyway to be on the safe side.
  23. haunting smile
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