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Everything posted by MSWapplicant4

  1. gumball, have you decided yet?! i still don't know what to do!
  2. But UChicago is higher ranked - you think it is seen as less presigious?
  3. thanks! i appreciate it! do you know if there are lang requirements for spanish-speaking countries? that is the main reason i want to do it. i think it would help me become fluent in spanish, and i want to work in the inner-city.
  4. i don't think there's anything "wrong" with bc by any means, i just don't think it is for me. i want to live on the west coast, so i would choose usc over chicago or columbia, rather than bc. all of the other schools are higher ranked/would carry more weight with reputation on the west coast. if you want to be in boston/generally it is a great choice. i wouldnt have applied there if i didnt think so.
  5. or also considering michigan's masters international program
  6. hi, i was crazy and applied to a lot of progroms, so far i have heard back and been accepted from: columbia, washu, usc, michigan, boston college, and university of chicago. i have pretty much ruled out boston college and washu. does anyone have any advice for which program is better for clinical work, particularly work with children (possibly schools)? it is hard to tell online what has a better rep for clinical v. policy. thanks!
  7. they said that the classes were underwhelming academically; however, after talking to them once they started their second semester classes, they said it is a lot better. i think the foundation courses can feel that way anywhere. as for advice, i wish i could give you some - i am just as torn! i think they are both amazing programs. u of chicago's program is smaller, which i see as a benefit - more individualized attention. to be honest, after researching, i think chicago seems like a better program (smaller, more detailed courses, you take more courses bc of the quarter system - two years is such a small amount of time so you can get as much info as possible with that system, etc.), but i love that columbia is in nyc. what are your thoughts?? i am soooo torn because they are both great programs.
  8. i am in the same exact boat! i always thought of columbia as my number 1 choice; however, now i am very conflicted. to be honest, i didn't think i would get into u of chicago bc the program is smaller, but then they offered me a substantial scholarship. money isn't a huge issue for me at all, but obviously it would be nice. after doing more research, it seems that chicago's classes are more detailed/sound more interesting. to be honest, i am conflicted as well, so i don't know how helpful i can be! i don't really know anyone at u of chicago, but the people i have spoken with at columbia's program have told me that they are disappointed with it. that being said, both are amazing schools, and i don't know what to do either!
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