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Everything posted by i<3libraries
Hmm. . . I'm not sure about the notification timeframes for all of the schools. In general, it seems like many programs notify admits in February. But, never give up hope! If you are waiting for a specific program, you could contact your POI or the grad rep for that program.
No love here either. Guess they lost out twice
Their loss
It's so hard to know with Berkeley. Isn't it? If the results boards are accurate, then acceptances typically go out in February and March is fraught with disappointment. Hopefully this year will be an anomaly and good news is still on its way for those waiting. How about Santa Cruz? Davis? LA? Anyone ready accept an offer yet?
Thanks! I have also heard that UC Berkeley's Grad Diversity Day is March 17.
Congrats to those who have already heard from UCD. Good luck to those who are still waiting.
Yea! So glad you started this discussion. Does anyone know which UCs have sent out visit day invites? When are they scheduled?
Super interested in Cruz. You?
Echoing that thought… I am waiting to hear from UC Santa Cruz too. My heart started racing when I saw that acceptance in the results search… but still nothing in my inbox from UCSC.
@eisoj5, Oh my gosh! That just seems cruel. I'm so sorry that you still have to wait. I just read your post to my partner…response, "poor eisoj5, I feel so sad for eisoj5." Hang in there, I guess.
Make room for one more on the rejection train. Not a surprise at this point, but still super sucks
Still submitted here… can we just rip the band-aid off?
I am so looking forward to your post! Good luck with the phone call.
@dispositif, very well said. This has been a very helpful thread to have during a super long season of waiting. I still feel really confused about the acceptance rate for SCS vs. GSE too. Did anyone attend the Graduate Diversity Day? Were there any SCS students present? Finally, It does seem unfair for schools to let people go through the whole app process if they are not planning to take anyone. Some day, when I work for a university, I want to send all admits a floral arrangement to celebrate. Also, I will send chocolate to those who are denied acceptance (I think it will soften the blow).
It is so hard to know. I heard through a friend of a friend who used to work in the GSE that some of the programs are REALLY organized and that other programs are not as on top of things. Since SCS seems to be one of the smaller programs, maybe they are not as together? I guess as long as we haven't heard, there is still hope.
Wow! I just don't know what to think about it anymore. Has it really taken this long for SCS to make decisions? Or, did people already get admitted to SCS? And, am I just waiting for a rejection? I feel so defeated. For me, there is no "plan b" so if it doesn't happen this year I guess I will be trying again next year. Thanks to everyone for your continued support and information. Good luck to everyone!
I mean, seriously, can I just get my decision already Berkeley?! Based on the recent postings on results survey, it seems like it will probably be a rejection. I just hope that the waiting can end soon for all of us. Thanks to all who have called and gotten some info about decisions being made. @eisoj5 who knew 24-48 hours could last an entire week?! Haha
@dispositif, thanks for the update. I guess we will have an answer soon.
@ dispositif, I'm with you. It is really tough to hold on to hope at this point. I would just like to know the decision (whatever it is) for sure so that I can move forward. With all of the different things that people have posted over the weeks, it seems like there might be a slim possibility that SCS decisions really have taken this long… hopefully we will know soon.
Welcome to the boat-- nervousness, anxiety, and worry are prerequisites-- heartburn, weird dreams, and obsessively checking your email are optional ! As others have said, Berkeley acceptances seem to be a bit of a mystery this season. I am waiting for SCS too. It seems like a (lucky) few have heard. . . but, (hopefully) more acceptances are still coming. . . This is the first time that I have applied, and the season has been, well. . . torturous. I think that I am mostly trying to keep up hope of an acceptance, because I can't imagine going through this process again. Any advice from those who have done this before? Is it customary to contact POIs before the app season starts? I thought that I had a pretty competitive app, but without any contact from SCS, I'm feeling lost about how to approach next year's apps. . . argh. . . if I find myself doing this again. PS- Good luck to those who are still waiting!
Congrats on the invitation! That is very exciting. When did you get your acceptance? Which program did you apply to? PhD2000s, Let's hold on to the waning hope that an acceptance is still possible for us both
Cool! And, I can't help but appreciate the irony of "March Madness" beginning soon Agreed and thanks!
Ugh! I am not sure if this makes me feel better or worse . I have also looked at results for the previous years, and felt discouraged. I am trying to stay positive and remember that none of us know for sure until we get the official word. Still, every time my phone rings, I hope that I will see a 510-642-xxxx number on the caller id. BTW, I think that you were VERY brave to call admissions. I haven't worked up the courage for that. I will keep "really, really, really" positive thoughts that we all get the news we are hoping for.
Could this be the week for Berkeley? It seems like some of the MA programs have been notified. I am still waiting to hear for SCS Ph.D. Anyone heard anything yet? It seems really shrouded in secrecy. The anxiety is really getting to me!