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Everything posted by lg702

  1. Here's what's going to happen: you talk with your doctor -> she signs some stuff -> you send it to Fulbright -> special designated Fulbright medical person looks at it -> he's like, "aight, she's good to go" -> you get an awesome grant. Not really sure what the issue is?
  2. I think maybe it's just a perspective/experience thing? I was an exchange student in high school and had to undergo a rigorous health check, and I know for my Peace Corps application I'll have to do the same. Fulbright is a government-funded program, so thoroughness and red tape kind of comes with the deal (in my opinion). Plus, I don't think you should assume the medical form is going to the scholarship committee for them all to sit around and talk about your pap smear results. It's probably going to a medical consultant or something, who simply lets the committee know there's nothing to worry about. Fulbright just wants you to be healthy and happy during your stay.
  3. Bahahaha. Every day I SOMEHOW end up on my country summary page.
  4. Oh sure, I see where you're coming from--and I hope this doesn't open up any floodgates. I just saw I lot of people posting stuff like "Someone call about Spain!" "Someone call about France!" and I wanted to throw in my 2 cents and encourage people to reach out if they really are going a little cray-cray. Also--maybe this is just trying to make myself feel better--but I've seen lots of disclaimers on other sites/scholarships/jobs that reeeeally discourage applicants from checking in. Fulbright doesn't really do that (right?) so, I dunno, I think it's pretty reasonable to send a nice email. If she doesn't have time to reply she won't; if it affects her work, there wouldn't be contact info, or we'd all be getting strongly-worded emails/calls stating that no one has any information. Maybe? Sorry--hope this doesn't seem annoying.
  5. Hey everyone! I sent a very quick email to Rachel inquiring about Armenia notifications, and got an email back within about 12 hours letting me know her "best guess" was mid-late April. I don't want to sound like I'm encouraging everyone to barrage her with messages, but I don't think she would have replied/replied with information if it wasn't her job/if she didn't have time/if it's not allowed/etc. If you're really going crazy, I'd suggest you ask. It makes me feel a lot better knowing I have a few more weeks, so I wanted to pass that along.
  6. Still waiting on Armenia! I'm thinking it'll come next week like Romania. Phew...just one more week!
  7. I wonder which non-Western European country will be notified first...
  8. Seriously!!! Good luck, everyone!!
  9. What wonderful news! I bet you just made people so happy/anxious, haha. Good luck guys!
  10. Today was my last final before spring break, and it was an online test. I put it off to the very last moment I could take it, because it was last thing I had to keep my mind off this horrible wait!
  11. Same here...I was thinking tons of people would be hearing by now.
  12. Wow...not many notifications today. Let's hope for tomorrow!
  13. Hey...take it down a notch. We're all friends here, and there's no reason to be so negative. Just a thought.
  14. Haha, right?! I have the best friends....hahahaha! Busti, you're waiting on a Portugal ETA yeah? I bet you'll hear soon!!!
  15. Haha, true story: I've made all of my friends shoot me down every time I mention Armenia. My friend said last night, "Why do you even care if people are getting notified soon? You KNOW you're gonna get rejected." It's awesome, lol. Hope for the best, expect the worst!
  16. Seriously? That's...disconcerting, haha.
  17. Hey Biz! Would it be too crazy to suggest you just make the spreadsheet public? I think it'd make more sense for people to just add info themselves, and I don't really think people would abuse it. OK, maybe they would, but it's worth a try, right? Thanks so much for keeping it up!
  18. I'm feeling France and Argentina!
  19. Oh, sorry--I guess I didn't word this right. At least for Armenia, there have always been 2 ETAs available, and for 2012-2013 there are also 2 available (or so the website says). So I'm just wondering how they're different--maybe in a different location or something?
  20. Did anyone see this awhile back on the Europe/Eurasia page? "New ETA Programs are available in 2012-13 in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Cyprus, Georgia, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro and Serbia." I wonder what that means....
  21. Sigh! I was hoping the forums would be going crazy with ETA acceptances...(also, congrats Hobbs!!!!!!!!!)
  22. No ETAs have heard anything so far. :/ Here's the spreadsheet though!: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuGpbWEh-3b0dHZzTU1BN0lNLU1yeG5XWktnY2k3bmc
  23. I was looking at the past spreadsheets and it looks like at least one person who was accepted for the Bulgaria ETA was notified this time last year--so you could know in the next few days! Exciting! I'm trying to give my email refresh button a rest...thinking that ETA announcements for most people (or at least Armenia) won't get sent for at least another week or 3. Sigh!
  24. Eric Bee--where were you in the PC?? I'm in the middle of applying for PC myself, and would love to hear your experience.
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