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Posts posted by georgestrait1982

  1. I am also surprised that this thread took the turns it has--application fees are just the tip of the iceberg. The field is so cutthroat that completing a PhD successfully enough to find a TT job requires a lot of free time, and free time requires a lot of money, which very few stipends provide. It's SO much harder to do good writing and teaching while also having to a) work another job, B) stress out about money, and c) forego leisure/stress-relieving activities for lack of funds.


    As a result, those that are able to do work good enough to land those coveted TT jobs tend to hail from higher socio-economic backgrounds, and the content of their research reflects the "white upper-class bubble" referenced earlier in the thread. Student loans make it appear like we've got a more level playing field, but the game's just as fixed as it was mid-century. In many ways, loans actually INCREASE inequality. But that's a seperate (though related) topic.



  2. Hi all,


    Quick question. I have been given this advice over and over again: conferences aren't nearly as important on a CV as publications, and really only "major" conferences count for anything at all. But which are the "major" conferences?


    MLA, obviously. But what about SAMLA, RMMLA, etc? Are these still "major" or "just" "regional"?


    I suppose the "big" one in a particular field carries more weight--for example ASLE for ecocritics.


    Any thoughts? Which would you consider the "big ones?"

  3. I would not do an unfunded MA for two reasons:


    -the prospect of getting a well paid job with a graduate degree in English is relatively low


    -funding begets funding. i would recommend against doing any MA (even a funded one) that doesn't give you teaching experience. If you were unable to get into a well-ranked PhD right out of undergrad, your chances of landing a job at a research university or ivy or whatever are not good, and you're going to have to rely on teaching experience to get work after your degree.



  4. Holla to the pupusa love! Coming to DC from California, I was initially devastated by the lack of good Mexican food. Then, I discovered pupusas. Omgsogood. Salvadorian food is my new love. (But burritos will always be my first.)


    Hello from DC native! Salvadorian food is indeed sublime--at some point, make the trek up to Pollo Rico in Wheaton... it is so, so worth it. Grab a papusa to go from Los Chorros while you're there.

  5. You're making huge, sweeping generalizations about a) "liberals" (as if we all believe the same thing and are one unit, which is laughable) and b ) capitalism. Capitalism is a system that creates HUGE dichotomies and is extremely problematic to individuals who are outliers in the system--sure, the extremely rich continue to be extremely rich and comfortable, but the poor are barely scraping by. Since when is capitalism a vehicle for social change? How could it be? If you've been kicked on your ass by a capitalist system, how is it going to help you? There's a reason that *some* liberal democrats push for socialized reform and it's because it has worked in many cases to better serve the people that capitalism shits on. I would love to see an example of "capitalism as a potential vehicle FOR social change" that isn't some business using "social change" as a tactic to elicit more business. Capitalism is intrinsically selfish and self serving. 


    I admit I'm making sweeping generalizations, but so are you--"capitalism is intrinsically selfish and self serving," for starters. As BowTies noted, you're applying moral values to an abstract system, a system which is pretty much intrinsic to "development"--you're not going to find any sort of economic system that is not essentially "capitalist" unless you look at rural, subsistence economies.


    My larger point is that the common "capitalism=inherently bad" mindset that you are displaying can be both simplistic and counterproductive. Seeking social change by acting "against" capitalism in some place like the academy or government (as if even state schools are not businesses or the gvt does not exist primarily to protect and facilitate the generation of private wealth) is perhaps not always as effective as working WITHIN the system to create business models that do a better job of distribution. If you cannot think of an example of a business that works for social change, I think you are probably not looking hard enough.

  6. Overall, I agree with you, but I think the implied dichotomy in your last sentence is problematic.  Are liberals the only ones more interested in making things better for others than in getting rich?  Is the reverse true of conservatives?  Or is that not what you meant?


    good call. making statements as general as the ones I was making is always problematic. let me rephrase: i think a lot of liberals (those in and outside of academia) tend to have a "business/capitalism=bad" mindset and avoid it, favoring instead to support governmental reforms, rather than seeing business/capitalism as a potential vehicle FOR social change.

  7. I love watching everyone get all pissy as the implied rejections start filtering in.


    One outside-of-academia job that doesn't get mentioned a lot, but that I think an advanced English degree can prepare one pretty well for, is starting a small business. Critical thinking skills are a must, as the entire job, from inception to operation, consists of continually assessing, reassessing, responding, and altering responses to complex situational networks. Strong communication skills are also a must, and the PhD lifestyle prepares one well for the sort of "work is never really done" reality of small business ownership.


    Of course, I know a lot of English profs and grad students who are a bit too "head in the clouds" for the practical, day-to-day operation stuff (meaning no offense of course; it takes all kinds) but I think it is a career path that academics too often write off as too remote from their studies to be practical.


    I worked construction for a guy one summer during college--he had no college degree, but was extremely well read and a true intellectual... the first thing he said to me referenced Walden. Anyway, I talked to him a few times about applying to graduate school and he said that "young people nowadays" are more interested in diagnosing problems than actually fixing them. He encouraged me, instead of studying environmental issues in literature, to build an environmental construction business.


    As I implied before, I realize that it takes people of both stripes to enact change, but I do think that the general liberal tendency to shy away from the business world leaves it for the taking of people more interested in making money for themselves than making things better for others.



  8. My advice is to relax and enjoy your undergraduate experience. The first time I even remotely considered going to grad school was the afternoon after I presented my senior thesis. I took a year off, spent a couple of months compiling application materials, and everything worked out. Looking at forums like this gives you a skewed perception of the population of people applying to graduate school, catering more to the obssessive, worrying sort (no offense intended; I count myself among this number!).


    If you are working in your writing center, I think you're right on track. I would take proflorax's advice about fostering relationships between your professors not only for letters of rec, but because my most meaningful intellectual experiences as an undergrad took place one-on-one in my proefssors' offices.


    Good luck!

  9. It's also how lesser-ranked programs sometimes manage to have placement rates of 90% while really top schools hover around 50 or 60%.


    I think this also has to do with teaching experience, which is much more important to a lot of less prestigious unis/CCs than research. At a lower tier state uni, a MA student might teach a 2/2 load, while a PhD candidate at an Ivy might not teach at all for a year or two.

  10. My only concern with the conference-length papers is that they might be a little... skeletal than adcomms prefer. The reason why some schools explicitly ask for one 20-25 paper is that this is the amount of time so to speak required to fully perform the kind of literary and research analysis they need to see. So really, this might come down to what those short papers look like, which is why I would really recommend getting a professor look them over and give you their thoughts. If you can shorten the longer paper and maintain the analytical depth, then you might have a winner.



    Yeah. The 20-pager I've already got is really in-depth... I couldn't really condense it into the 9 pages I needed to present it at a conference without adding copious notes, which I suppose I'd include in the writing sample. I think I'd also add an introductory note explaining the situation, maybe offering to send them the longer version of the first one if they're interested.


    Thanks for the replies, and I'd be interested to hear any more perspectives as well!

  11. Hi all,


    I'm appying to a few PhD programs that want 20-25 page writing samples. How would y'all feel about submitting, instead of one article-length paper, two conference-length papers? My best paper, in terms of just generally being a well-written piece of scholarship, is an article-lengther, but it doesn't do much with the theory that I want to pursue further at the PhD level. I do, however, have another conference-length paper that pushes the theory in exactly the direction I want to further explore.


    I suppose the obvious answer would be to either work the theory into the first one, or extend the second, but I don't think I have the time or energy to get that done before the deadlines. Do you think submitting a conference-length version of the first paper, along with the second dealing with theory, would be acceptable? How might admission committees receive such a sample, do you think?





  12. I applied, was accepted, and decided to go somewhere else because the money was better. Cost of living in Fayetteville is low, but they offered me as an MA with a TAship something like 9000 a year. Not gonna cut it.


    I got really great vibes from the department though. Visited with the DGS who seemed like a good guy. He designed their intro program for new comp instructors and has been published in two of the composition pedagogy anythologies i've used in classes at the school did end up attending.


    Also Arkansas itself, especially NW Ark where Fayetteville is located, is one of America's best kept secrets. I almost went just to be able to live in the area. If you like the outdoors and friendly, downtoearth people, apply.

  13. I have similar feelings as the OP. Like it or not, humanities research is only read by an esoteric community of upper/upper-middle class scholars. Also, a lot of it is pretty banal. Who cares what you think of Beowulf? I certainly don't. I only ever read lit crit with an eye to what I can disagree with in my own papers. I understand that a lot of you are super passionate about the study of English and I think that that is great and that you should pursue those interests, but don't pretend like it has any practical application or helps anybody else out.

    And I have to take exception to this: "language obviously forms the foundation of human life and modern thought, so studying language and texts is inherently valuable." While I, as an English person, obviously feel that the study of lit is valuable, I do not condescend to assert that its value is "inherent." Plenty of people place no value whatsoever in what comes out of their mouth at any given moment, let alone in the "study of language"--who am I to say that they are incorrect or naieve for not valuing what I do? Also, shouldn't our "study" and "student-ness" be leading up to some action?? What's the use of study if you remain forever a student?

    Obviously, teaching is something most of us do and the obvious way in which we "contribute." A longer post than this would be necessary to explore the ways in which teaching college kids to analyze literature is or is not beneficial to the rest of society, but regardless teaching is only one portion of the professor's job, and the rest is, well, (I believe) pretty useless.

  14. Hello all!

    I'm entering an MA program in lit next fall and am looking for a concise yet comprehensive (if possible) book covering the major bases of literary theory. I did get a "Methods of Literary Study" course as an undergrad but pooh-poohed it a fair amount at the time and would like to give myself as much of a crash course as possible before I have to start dealing with it every day as a grad student.

    Someone else recommended Terry Eagleton's "Literary THeory: an introduction" but I am finding him a bit pretentious (haha) and while I can appreciate his obvious Marxist approach in other contexts, I would rather not have his particular views clouding my introduction to these theories. I am looking for something that tries to be a little more objective and to present more of a textbook style overview of the different schools of literary theory. Eagleton gives a good review of the evolution of literary crit and theory from the 1700s, but he wrote it in 83 or something and it feels a bit outdated.

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks guys!

  15. Thanks for the replies! At this point I am not even sure I want to commit to a PhD; I'm very sympathetic to the community college mission and my interest lies more in teaching than in research anyway. I was more concerned about how a degree specifically from UVM might be regarded since their program does not even grant PhDs.

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