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Everything posted by atcg

  1. Of course you can get in. Most people don't put out publications as an undergrad. All that matters is: 1. Your GPA. 2. Your GRE scores. 3. The degree to which your research advisor will vouch for you. If you want to get into Harvard, Caltech, or MIT, all three of those things better be great. For the 2nd tier, being relatively good is good enough. Lastly, you have a year left of school, so absolutely try to get something published in the next year, since it will look good on your CV for fellowship applications.
  2. atcg

    NSF GRFP 2016

    Good luck to all the applicants this year! And for those about to win the prize, remember that it's not about whether you win the award or not, it's about what you do once you do win the award. The GRFP won't help you get through those times when your project seems impossible and you feel like an idiot, and nobody will care that you have the GRFP if you don't develop your scientific intuition in grad school. It's not even the most prestigious grad school fellowship/the application wasn't actually THAT much work. Enjoy it though, and welcome to the club! P.S. There isn't actually a club. You will get access to supercomputers though.
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