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  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
  • Program
    MFA Sculpture / Printmaking

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  1. I've been at VCU for a semester now, in their sculpture department, and I came in knowing only how to make things with fabric and paper. The department invests so much time and resources into skill building, through extremely well equipped woodshops, metal shops, CNC/3d printing machines, and by having on staff people who are extremely knowledgable in these fields and willing to share that knowledge. Though there aren't official classes for learning skills at a graduate level, (other than electives) if you want to learn how to build something, make something that uses materials you do not know how to work With, there is always someone who knows and will be more than happy to show you how it's done. I've also noticed that everyone's work, wherever it may be conceptually, is also technically sound, skillfully crafted. In fact, there is an emphasis on craftsmanship and how something was made, how well it was made, the ways in which it an look better, is always a big part of the conversation. When I was looking at graduate programmes, I was also looking for a place where I could improve my hand skills and build on material techniques. VCU totally does that, and so well.
  2. You were all correct. VCU is fabulous. We had a presentation of everyone's work yesterday and I have never before been in the company of people who are ALL so good at what they do, so driven, and so passionate. So much work that is refreshing, strong, and exciting. I feel so lucky
  3. Hey Ruth! I did my undergrad at CCAD, if you have any questions about the school. I loved it. Also, since you are looking at sculpture programmes, consider VCU. I'm there right now and it's absolutely magical and everyone, every single student is ridiculously good at what they do, and make things I've never seen before. The faculty is brilliant, kind, so well spoken, and supportive. The facilities are amongst the best and very impressive. I've only been here a week, but I'm thrilled.
  4. It also transformed my work and made me reconsider the place that critique holds in the development of one's work. The programme is very intense and consists of a bunch of different classes + some extra time in the end to do your own thing. Lots of visiting artists, fantastic food, great talks.
  5. Hey! I attended Yale's summer programme and it was extremely helpful. It gave me a better understanding of what the grad school environment would be like, how teachers at Yale approach the various disciplines, and what it's like to make work independent of deadlines and assignments. Plus, I met some extremely talented an driven young artists (several of whom went on to study at Yale) who continue to inform the way I think about art. If you can get nominated by your school, I would highly recommend it. Also, don't wait to be nominated, talk to whoever is in charge on your own. Let me know of you have any questions!
  6. I know a couple of people at yale's programme who went right after their undergrad, though it's definitely not the norm. An advantage would be if your portfolio is not necessarily student work/assignments.
  7. Thank you so much for helping me with my decision! Really! I know this message is terribly late (I was hiking in the Himalayas, trying to decide on colleges with too little oxygen around) but better late than never! After reading your replies and looking at the work of past students and teachers once more (well, many, many times over) I decided to attend VCU! My communication with the faculty has been very promising so far, and through the university's administration is not as efficient as I would like, the department itself seems to be very proactive and extremely willing to answer all sorts of questions. Money remains an issue, but from what I have heard it's possible to get more funding once I am in school. There are also funds available for travel if I am showing work in other states/countries, and that is just fantastic since distance has prevented me from doing things before. So as long as I can manage something for the $4K in fees, I should be fine. I have benefited so much from this forum, from all of you who have answered my questions, and from all the thoughts that have been shared on the different threads...I would love to return the favour I'm going to be in Richmond in about two weeks, and if anyone has any questions about what VCU feels like, what the studios are like, anything really, please let me know! Perhaps after a few months have passed, I can post something about my experience there. Good luck to everyone who is starting school this fall, and also to those who are considering applying!
  8. Congratulations to you too!!!
  9. Hi! I'm looking for some advice. I just received word that I've been accepted to the VCU Sculpture + Extended Media program with full funding for the first year, plus stipend (-5,000 dollars in fees + additional living costs). I am so thrilled to be accepted into such an amazing program, but I am struggling with my decision in light of another offer I have in a completely different program. The University of Tennessee Knoxville Printmaking program has also enthusiastically offered me a full ride for all three years, plus a more generous stipend, and the possibility of a fellowship (for the first year). Different though they are, these are both amazing programs in their own regard, and I'm certain they would afford me great opportunities. What I'm really struggling with is how much the financial aspect of graduate education should play a role in my decision. VCU is offering less, and there isn't a guarantee that the second year will fully funded (depends on their 2015 budget). With Tennessee I won't have to worry about money at all, but I find myself more excited at the prospect of going to VCU. My work is based in printmaking, but recently has moved into the sculptural realm, and I feel that although Tennessee would be a great place to hone my skills (I love the idea of mastering a craft), VCU might offer an environment where my work can continue to grow in new and exciting ways that I've never even considered. On top of this, I'm an international student without the ability to visit either of the campuses...How does one decide?? I, of course, know how lucky I am to have this problem, but I'm genuinely stuck, and any help or further information on either of these programs will be so gratefully appreciated www.pallavi-sen.com
  10. this is a useful link
  11. lolapola


    Good for anyone who has interviews coming up! It helped me a lot!
  12. Hi czarina! Some things I have learned from the interviews I've had so far 1) Know your influences 2) Keep a mental tally of what you are involved these days (things you are reading / researching / making) 3) Maybe this is just a problem with me, but sometimes I get very carried away with one topic, and then the whole interview becomes about that, making me seem unidimensional, with just one interest, rather than someone who is open and interested in change.... I think this happened during my yale interview, and I kept that in mind during the others. 4) related to that, if you are insecure about something related to your work, find a way of talking about it without sounding defensive 5) think of some good questions to ask in the end. A whole interview can be great, but this is sort of the last thing that happens and stays on one's mind. /// If you go through the forum, there are several threads on interview questions, and I found it VERY useful to go through them and answer them, just casually, just to reacquaint myself with my feelings about art/my art, since I've been out of school for a bit. Other than that, I think the best approach for me was to treat this like a conversation where I do have control over where the discussion goes, and not be scared. Every interviewer I have spoken to has been very kind and curious to know more.
  13. Just got an email from Sculpture + Extended Media at VCU!!! AAAh!!!! Does anyone have any clues on what the funding situation is like at the school?
  14. I just got a letter too!!!!! Oh my gosh I'm so thrilled! I was quite disheartened after getting my rejection from Yale, and felt that VCU might go the same way...BUT I'm so glad right now I know a graduate from the programme, and I see how she works, the way she uses material, the things she considers while making, and also just how much she loved her time at VCU, and it makes me feel so excited! I don't know what the funding will be like (any idea?) but I'm going to call and check soon! Let me know how your visit goes!
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