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Everything posted by magiaepasta

  1. Hello fellow future Brunonians from all academic disciplines! Thought we could use this thread to help each other out with the moving process and get excited/commiserate about starting this exciting new adventure! I'll be attending Brown in the doctoral anthropology program and moving up from Washington, D.C. in July.
  2. Yay, you already know this but CONGRATULATIONS! We are going to be classmates! Pretty excited about this
  3. I haven't heard ANYTHING from BU - can they at least reject me so I have a clear answer?
  4. Congratulations, sarab!!! San Diego is a fabulous city - your quality of life can never be that bad when you are so close to the beach! You'll be the envy of everybody on GradCafe in the dead of winter
  5. Congratulations, NerwenAldarion!
  6. If it were I, ecologaia, it would depend on what my ultimate goal is and what my priorities are. Is being in a more suburban/rural area than an urban environment important to your quality of life as an individual and as a couple? My SO really doesn't like urban areas and having to live in a big city would have been a huge turn-off for him, where as the location didn't affect me too much either way. Is becoming a professor your ultimate goal? Then have teaching experience from option 1 may give you an advantage. What about being placed TT at an R1 institution? Option 2 might present you with networking opportunities that might be available elsewhere. Are you willing to possibly work another job to make ends meet or is your fiance helping to support you? Is the idea of constantly looking for funding sound like a welcome challenge or an unnecessary burden? I know that was a lot to throw at you, but I think prioritizing what is important to YOU, rather than what you hear is supposed to be prioritized will be most important. In the end, you'll be spending a great deal of your life where you end up and you want the whole experience (not just on-campus) to be as enjoyable as possible. Can't wait to hear what you decide!
  7. Honestly, my decision was made fairly easily after finding out that my SO had been accepted to the same school. There wasn't a significant enough difference in my funding packages to play a major role in my decision making. It ended up being a combination of feeling more "at home" with the program (the current grad students seemed to really be enjoying their time there and my POI at Brown made it very clear that she wanted me there and wanted to do what was necessary to get me there) and the proximity of my SO really sealed the deal for me. Good luck with your decision, ecologaia! I know it's a big one, but I have confidence that you will end up at the place you are meant to be.
  8. Completely understand! Also, where the heck is Boston? I've heard back from every single program except theirs.
  9. YAYY!!! Congratulations! That's amazing - it really shows that we shouldn't lose hope and it isn't over 'til it's over. Are you going to go for sure? Oxford is an amazing place, I loved it when I went to visit.
  10. April 15th is the absolute earliest that a grad program can ask you to make a decision. Some others choose to have later dates, but you cannot be required to give a program an answer before the 15th.
  11. Oh man, I know that feeling about work, but CONGRATULATIONS - that is huge!
  12. Way to go Forsaken! Congratulations on your decision.
  13. Bummer! Good luck with OSU - sending positive thoughts your way!
  14. Thank you both! I definitely did a happy dance-wiggle as soon as I found out and then realized that I somehow had to get through the whole work day with the news! It is definitely a relief, just a huge weight off of our shoulders. Good luck to everyone else, and I hope those with SO's in the mix have everything turn out the way they had hoped
  15. Just found out that my SO was admitted to Brown's medical school this morning! After my positive experience there last week and his excitement about the med school, it's all but a given that we'll both be in Providence in the fall. SO excited to have things falling into place - this has been a wild ride! Thanks to everybody for their ongoing support throughout the whole process and best of luck to everybody else who still have big decisions to make - I have positive thoughts for all!
  16. I also agree that it wouldn't hurt to call at this point to see if you can get any information out of them!
  17. Personally, as someone who likes to have all the information before I make the decision, I would wait to hear from Columbia. What do you have to lose by waiting another month? I know it's tempting to just get the process over with, but how would you feel if you had accepted and then got a positive response from Columbia next week? Would that change your decision?
  18. Hey, congratulations!!! Glad the first one to hear back from BU was an acceptance Hope this bodes well for the rest of us.
  19. WHOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So amazing! Congratulations!!!
  20. I don't know how it works with our programs, but my SO is applying to medical school and they definitely encourage those sorts of emails because they know graduate/professional schools are a huge, long-term commitment and want couples/families to stay together. If it were I, I would definitely write to them with that kind of information.
  21. Heyyy, that's awesome! Sending you acceptance vibes
  22. Sorry to hear that, resurrectionist. Sending you positive thoughts for the rest you're waiting on!
  23. Thanks, Sarab! It only takes one
  24. That's ridiculous! So sorry it was so drawn out for you.
  25. Congratulations, daykid! I hope the trip to Brown this week will help you with your decision making
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