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Everything posted by mphhopeful

  1. I think it basically just means you're a first year student working towards a graduate degree. Probably opposite to a conditional acceptance.
  2. I doubt Asian-Indian could also mean Native American Indian. It was not done to mislead the school, and I don't think correcting it at this point in the game could work for or against you since it was purely an honest mistake. If you are really worried about it, email the program coordinator to change it; but, I really wouldn't let it stress you out.
  3. It sounds like for your purposes Purdue may better meet your needs (PhD). But, like the other posters said, it really depends on the specifics of what your want to study. If you want to focus on minerals, Vitamin D, phytochemicals and energy metabolism, choose Purdue. Would you have much flexibility there, if you decided that you wanted to emphasize something other than those topics?
  4. UW changed my status to something like "you will receive notification by either e-mail or postal mail," and I received the decision about 2 weeks later. The last date my UNC application was updated was the same day my notification letter was postmarked. Hopefully you get some great news
  5. I really appreciate your post. It helps to know that I'm not the only one in this situation. I applied to 4 schools - accepted to one I can't afford, and waiting to hear back from 1 other. There aren't many schools offering the track I need. If I don't get into the school I'm waiting to hear back from, I may just have to reapply for Fall 2010. Pretty scared that next year's application process will be even worse than this year, though...
  6. This is torture.
  7. Your ability to find a job in New York really depends on your specific skills and work history. I will say that you will DEFINITELY have to start your search well before your arrival if you choose Columbia. The unemployment rate in NYC went up dramatically between Feb and March, and many companies are in hiring freezes. Obviously, finding employment in California will also be difficult, but the cost of living will make a huge difference, especially while you are unemployed and looking or if you choose not to work. In my opinion, the potential for an earthquake is a risk I would take considering a life in NYC with a family and no job will cost you upwards of $3,000/month (if you're lucky). If you can only work 20 hours per week, I would advise that this would do very, very little to help you.. I hate to sound gloomy, but it's an unfortunate reality that most people don't realize before moving here. To answer one of your other questions, it will absolutely be possible to find a job anywhere in the country (including NYC) if you attend Stanford.
  8. I agree with the previous poster. Consider what you would get from each program and decide which one suits your short and long-term goals the best. Then, also consider the reality of living in either California or NYC. Not that California is the cheapest place to live, but the cost of living in New York City is outrageously high (especially for students, who have little to no income). From your post, I get the impression that you feel Stanford better suits your needs academically and professionally - I would choose Stanford.
  9. Well, it's definitely possible that you'll be burning bridges, but unless you rescind your offer through an especially unfriendly and inconsiderate letter to the adcoms, they're probably not going to remember your name a few years from now when you're done with grad school. Keep in mind that ALL schools (including the one you may accept and then reject) advise their waitlist students to accept offers elsewhere knowing that accepted waitlist students will then withdraw those acceptances. Yes, it sucks that someone else may not get in right away because you're holding a spot you aren't sure you want, but you've earned that spot and have a right to make an informed decision based on all the factors you need (including what all your options are).
  10. I am in a similar situation. My top choice has my application "on hold," which seems to me like a pre-waitlist. Being on hold could mean any number of things, so it's hard to gauge when you might hear back. Considering the grad coordinator's e-mail stated that they would first wait for deposits to come in before making additional offers, you probably won't hear until after April 15th. I would request an extension from your 2nd choice, or submit the deposit at the deadline and risk losing it later on. It's really not the honest thing to do, but I think it's your smartest option.
  11. I applied to a program at Trinity College Dublin last year. Classes started in the end of August, I was interviewed during the first week of August (I submitted my app about 4-6 months before that) and was accepted 2 days later. If your adcoms are anything like mine were, they are extremely nice but love to take their sweet, sweet time!! I am pretty sure TCD would not mind if you gave them a call or sent them an email. I actually called and left a voicemail for the head of my program explaining that i wasn't sure if the decision had been made yet but that this program is something i'm really passionate about etc etc. Evidently, it worked in my favor. Good luck
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