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Everything posted by anthrogirl86

  1. Hello, all! I am a first year grad student (working on PhD) in biological anthropology and I just found out that my graduate advisor got a job offer at a different institution and is leaving in the fall. My advisor is the reason I came to this school in the first place, and the institution she will be moving to does not have a graduate program, so she cannot bring her grad students with her. My department only has one other bio anth faculty member and her interests do not align with mine at all. I'm thinking of reapplying to the other programs I liked in the fall, but I'm not sure how it will look if I'm already in a program and planning on leaving it. I don't want to look like a shifty grad student, but the department I am in now may not really be a terrific fit for me anymore.
  2. This is a great thread! You guys are really lighting a fire under my a** to finish writing my publication (from my thesis) up and hopefully get it in press by this fall before I start my PhD program!
  3. Hmmm....Sounds positive to me! It might mean that you've been approved by the department and the department has submitted your app to the grad division to be approved by the school? Let us know how it turns out!
  4. Sorry to hear that about your UCR POI! I've only heard good things about the program at UNLV! They have some great people there! I have some family that live out in Las Vegas. They love it! It is pretty easy to get distracted in a city like that, but as long as you stay focused, you'll be just fine! It gets REALLY hot out there in the summer (it is the desert afterall). But there are some nice places to hike out there (like Red Rock). I fully intended on applying there, but ultimately decided against it because the program wasn't as good a fit for my interests as others. Anyways, congrats on UNLV!!!
  5. Thanks! I am pretty excited to get started! Bummer your POI from UCR transferred! Did you apply to any other programs besides Indiana?
  6. Hi, Sun Yuezhu! I'm not exactly sure how the funding is worked out there, but I do know that they have a somewhat large incoming class of 15-20. It's no wonder they can't offer first year funding to all of these new students. It seems like they pick a very select few from each incoming class to fund and the rest have to fight it out for the TA positions during 2nd and 3rd year. Indiana is a great program and everyone there has been super nice, but I decided to decline their offer and take UCR's because they also have a great program and they offered a fellowship.
  7. Has anyone here, or does anyone here know anyone who has been accepted to either UCR or Indiana for Fall 2012? Would love to talk to anyone thinking about joining either of these Anthro programs. Trying to decide between the two.
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