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Posts posted by shortstack51

  1. I want to say that is wrong. Based on last year, it seems unlikely. I mean, I doubt all those accepted were on grad cafe. But perhaps the 5 rule is true? Idk.

    I suppose I could be wrong, or the details were fuzzy. I'm sure it also changes year to year. I had asked him to check (he was my professor at the time) what my relative chances would be.

  2. Haha had a heart attack upon seeing an email from UNC Chapel Hill! It was a rejection though. Lol. It was a very nice email, at least they are considerate.

    And thanks for the good vibes shortstack!! I hope it works. :) And it's so funny, we're the opposite, I would die to live in NYC! It's been my dream forever. I love the city.

    I have a love-hate relationship. I like it a lot better now that I live in a small city outside of the city, but it still gives me the grumps when I commute in for work on the train. It always smells like pee and crap and garbage. But there's a lot to love. I'll be happy enough living here again. I just get tired of hearing gunshots. It doesn't happen that often since I moved (once a month?), but it's definitely not fun when it does.


    I also grew up in the mountains, so I'm certainly biased. ;)


    These CUNY acceptances are making me nuts! I'll go check the CUNY thread I guess.

  3. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but what does 2-2, 2-1, etc. mean?


    Right now I TA for a course as a part time job ("TA" in a loose sense--I actually just grade the papers). I grade 30 3 page papers a week. It's a bit rough because I also work as a tutor on campus and in the admin. Add a full course load on top of that... I'm actually looking forward to whatever I get from a PhD program because at least it won't be 30-40 hours a week (what I'm doing now--well, what I'm doing when we aren't canceled due to snow)!


    I know my school's PhD program and a couple of others put grad students into the writing center to start and then have you take pedagogy courses. That seems pretty logical to me.

  4. Same boat as you, precisely. The taking a year off and moving internationally bit sounds particularly inviting.


    Glad I'm in good company! I'm not really sure if I'll actually do that, but it's one of my back up options. My fiancee has family in the Netherlands, so we have people to stay with until we get on our feet over there. And I've never been out of the country before.


    If I recall, you and I also had a deal earlier where we would help each other improve our apps if we decide to apply again if all doesn't work out--I might also take you up on that!

  5. I only have 3 schools left!! That is so scary. Come on, one school show me some love.

    Good luck!! I have 7 left, which is a nice cushion, but two of those are Princeton and Harvard (which I definitely won't get into), and one is U of Washington, which is a reach...and, well, everywhere feels like a reach right now, even my own school's program! Sending good vibes your way. I am seriously considering working for a year and then moving away (possibly internationally) once all is said and done if I don't get in. If my own program rejects me, clearly something is wrong, haha. Someone said CUNY Grad is supposed to get back to us tomorrow and the rest of the week. Crossing my fingers! (Although I would like to get accepted to somewhere outside of NYC--I'm kind of sick of living here...but beggars can't be choosers I suppose and I do love the programs here)

  6. I've been accepted to Carnegie Mellon's MA program! So I at least have somewhere to go if nowhere else works out for me, which is something of a relief, and I'm hoping it's a good sign that my application might help me into a few of the other MA programs that I applied to, and give me some options. Of course, at this point, CUNY would be ideal, and I felt like there were quite a few professors there to make it a good fit for me.

    One of the really dumb things that stresses me out is that on my application status page it notes that my GRE scores were not received until Dec 20th, when I actually had them sent a few months prior to that, and CUNY in particular seemed to emphasize the importance of their Dec 15th deadline.

    Yes, I have the same problem. It says I paid for my application on the 15th but then it says it wasn't created until the 17th, which is weird. I am also worried because they wanted you to mail transcripts in one envelope with a very specific formatting on the front, but I sent both of mine to straight from my school. I have no idea if that will impact me negatively.

    Congrats on Carnegie Mellon!! I'm happy to hear that! Where else have you applied and are still waiting to hear back from? I'm sure you will hear more good news from MA programs.

  7. Ugh that's a really stressful situation! I'm so sorry. It's one of 3 PhD programs I really feel I have a shot at now. I do have to say I ended up doing an MA my first time and it really helped me grow a lot. My undergrad advisors said that loans just kind of come with our field most of the time. What schools would you possibly be doing an MA at, if you don't mind my asking? (Curious to see if it's mine- I try not to advertise where I am currently to retain at least some level of anonymity!)

  8. I should add that while I'm not very familiar with Boston, it is the cleanest and easiest city to get around that I've visited, if we're talking about living situations. Costs aren't horrible, especially of you take the commuter rail in from an outside town. And it's a very historic city, so a lot of the apartments are in old houses and buildings, if you're into that. Lots to do of course, etc etc, it's right on the ocean, all that good stuff. I applied to a few schools in Boston, but it doesn't look like I'm getting in, so I'm jealous you'll have the chance to live there!

  9. I'm also not sure what to think of the single CUNY acceptance that's been posted. Surely there would be more?

    Someone in another thread said they contacted the department who said they would make decisions Tuesday. Either the post was a fake or they were in an informal e-mail conversation with someone at CUNY already--that's all I can come up with.

  10. I can only offer one piece of information: about the Stony Brook area, from a friend who did her PhD there while I was living in the city. It's very much a commuter school, the surroundings are dull and suburban, and rents are ridiculously high. Visits were tricky without a car, despite the LIRR. Even though she is a cheerful person, she found it gloomy and uninspiring. The program itself is excellent, but if location matters to you, it might be wise to pay a visit before accepting.

    Seconded- I lived in the next town over for 3 months. There's not much to rent in the first place and the cost of living on Long Island is high. You will definitely need a car there as well. The village of Stony Brook is a cute little northeastern town with a park, and there are some things to do. It's actually one of the only hilly areas on LI so it isn't as flat and boring as the rest of it. For fun, a lot of LI people usually go into the city or go upstate, both of which are a hike from Stony Brook (1 hr 45 mins by train to the city). There are also the LI beaches, of course. Also, Port Jefferson (with the ferry to CT) is nearby. There are a lot of shops/bars there and a lot of young folks hang out there. I've heard good things about the program at Stony Brook itself. Just be prepared for a lot of strip malls.

    Also, traffic is always awful once you get out of the villages/small towns.

    TL;DR- if you don't mind small towns and suburbia and high cost, and you like the visit, go for it. But it can certainly feel soul sucking to live on LI. My fiancee's mother desperately wanted me to apply to Stony Brook so we could possibly move back. I didn't because I just can't resign myself to living there.

  11. I am happy I got my MA first because I was a dummy dumbhead before I went through my MA program and afterwards I was slightly less dumb.

    This. I was in a small, education-focused cohort as an undergrad and being in an MA, where class sizes are 8 people and half of those people are PhD students, has made me a lot more versatile as a scholar.

  12. Too many, I can't remember. Heard back from 4 officially and counting out a few others as implied. I feel I only have a decent-ish shot at about four schools left on my list, so I'm nervous too. I have faith in you though, shortstacks! Maybe if this round isn't for us, we can keep in contact and help each other improve our applications for the next time out.

    Yes definitely! That would be a big help for me. I'm hoping that my current school will at least take me, but it's top 50 so it's not necessarily a guarantee. I also feel I only have 4 schools left that I have a decent shot at, and 2 (including my current program) don't send out responses until mid-March. Yikes.

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