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Everything posted by AuntyOwl

  1. I never thought I would feel so bad for declining an offer. I guess I am more attached to my current institution than I thought…

  2. Thank you both for your input. It was helpful. I will write them tomorrow. I need to move on.
  3. I agree with MathCat. It seems that there are no academic reasons for you not to go to Davis. You are close enough to San Francisco to go there frequently, if you can afford it. And besides, people also make the places. If you are working there now and like the people, you will probably be fine. But, as MathCat said, that is a very personal decision. Good luck.
  4. I understand. It is tricky, indeed. With whom do you feel you would work better: supervisor A or B? Empathy is very important for a long term commitment such as this. Also, you probably want to consider which city/town fits better your personality and budget. These things are usually not taken seriously, but they make all the difference. If you do not feel comfortable at the place you live in or with you working environment, your work will certainly reflect that. Do you feel you could benefit from more experience before the Ph.D.? The answer to this question might also help you decide between doing the master's or going to the Ph.D. right away.
  5. Well, although I am not a lawyer, I was told by my supervisor and by faculty at other institutions were I was accepted, that they cannot force anyone to decide before the legal date. If April 15 is a "word in paper" legal date, I don't know, but forcing a decision before that it seems to be ethically questionable.
  6. I far as I know, you are allowed to wait until April 15 to give your final decision. It is natural that institutions pressure candidates to decide (I am on the same boat), but I do not believe is legal to revoke the terms of an acceptance to pressure a decision prior to the legal date.
  7. Hi, I was admitted into two Ph.D. programs (still waiting for hearing from one university), one of them in the institution where I am currently in. I decided that a change would benefit my growth as a scholar, which means that I will have to reject the people who believe in me when nobody else did. I am feeling bad about have to tell them no, specially when they went to great lengths to offer me a very generous fellowship. I would like to write them soon, because I know there are people on the waiting list that will benefit from my rejection. Any advice on how to phrase this rejection? Thank you!
  8. Still waiting to hear from two programs, while being pressured to decide by tow others. What are they waiting for? April 15th?!

    1. .letmeinplz//


      April 14th at 11pm I'm sure of it.

  9. I checked few minutes ago and I saw that someone posted an acceptance on the results list on Feb. 27. The person received the notification by phone on Feb, 24.
  10. Congratulations!!!
  11. First rejection… It sucks, even more when it comes from your dream school. I guess is a "dream school" for a reason.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MidwesternAloha


      @Eternal, you as well! Get those stipends! And let me know where you wind up attending!

    3. CP3


      Sorry, it does sting, I didn't get accepted my top choices either, but I wasn't surprised. I was beyond thrilled when I received my first acceptance. I'm glad that you have acceptances, good luck with the rest of your applications!

    4. AuntyOwl


      Thank you all! You are so kind. :)

      @MidwesternAloha, likewise. :)

      @ CP3: I am indeed very happy with what I have got so far. I was accepted into an amazing program and into another which, not being top, is already above average. I guess, sometimes, we dream our dreams not based on the best reasons.

      Best of luck to you all. Let's keep in touch. :)

  12. I need to sleep! If I go another week without at least one night of peaceful, restful, deep sleep I will kill everything!

  13. It is still early, depending on the institution, I guess. Of the 6 school to which I applied, I still have to hear from 4. I know that I am out of two of them because acceptance results were posted here, two weeks ago. The other two I have no news, but according to previous years, it should not take much longer until they contact the accepted students. In my mind, if we do not hear from grad schools until mid-March, it is better to assume we will receive a rejection notification. Sometimes it happens that some schools notify accepted students very late (late March, early April) either because it is their policy or because it takes time to figure out the budget. This particular aspect is particularly pertinent for state universities.
  14. Congratulations!!
  15. I agree with MathCat. You should be open and honest with your POI and explain that, even though you would love to work with him/her, you are having a hard time finding a way of meeting your budget responsibilities with the offer the department made. I would not close the door just yet. I do not know your field of research, but in the sciences, if you are joining a particular project, the PI might have a way of taking an extra money from the grant for that project to complement the department fellowship.
  16. I am very sorry to say this but I think those us who have not heard from Harvard should… well… think about other options. I have see that two people who applied to the musicology program and one who applied to the composition program posted acceptances on the results list here. So… the theorists may still hold on some hope (assuming that the non existence of results for theory means the decisions have yet to be made) but the rest of us should move on, I guess. Yale and Columbia are still silent, as far as I know. Composition at Yale already released the results 2 weeks (or more?) ago. So I am assuming the other programs should not take much longer. Good luck everyone!
  17. O. M. G. !!
  18. What happened?
  19. I am sorry about that rejection CP3. Their loss!! When I was admitted in the masters program I am finishing now, that was the result of my third try. So, this application season is my fourth. Never give up CP3. Never give up.
  20. It turned out the interview was NOT about those moments.
  21. Don't freak out about that. We always have the feeling that things went worse than they actually did when there is too much at stake and, therefore, stress takes over. You certainly did the best you could and that is all that matters. I had an interview last week and my memory betrayed me a few times. It turned out the interview was about those moments. Stay strong! Best of luck.
  22. Second acceptance! Keep them rolling! (I know this was probably the last acceptance of the list, but, for some reason, I am okay with that).

  23. I don't want to steal your fun. And since that involves third parties, I think I may, eventually, use some mayo to cook my fabulous deviled eggs and leave the rest to you.
  24. I am in for World of Warcraft, wine, and chocolate! May I add cheese to the picture? I mean, what is wine without cheese? Note: there is no such thing as "too much wine and chocolate". And cheese for that matter.
  25. I am not being able to focus on anything. My thesis awaits to be completed, I have at least 10 books I should have read already (they seat patiently on my desk), I have an interview coming soon, and all I can do is browsing the internet looking for clues about Ph.D. programs' decisions. This is pathetic and childish but I cannot avoid it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Catria


      All I managed to do in these past two weeks was to write the thesis without doing any research work...

    3. AuntyOwl


      Well, that is still something. Keep going! I am going to take this book here next to me and try to read some of it. Crossing fingers for you! :)

    4. ritapita
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