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Everything posted by AuntyOwl

  1. Ms. Deadbrainfromanxiety here. It surely depends on people, but one acceptance and one interview invitation have not alleviated my severe inability to focus on the millions tasks I have at hand. This is wait is ridiculous, particularly to what concerns programs that had deadlines at the beginning of December. Two and a half months are not enough to make up their minds about the randomness of their choices? Give us a break!
  2. CUNY is great! I will be interviewing there next week. Yikes! Terrified but looking forward to it.
  3. I am wondering the same…
  4. Interesting… In that case, I guess I can convincing myself about that rejection. Thank you for your input Karajan and Theory411.
  5. First unofficial acceptance! POI communicated me the decision! Yikes! Not such big pressure for next week's interview.

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  6. Columbia interviews?! Do you mean they interview to Ethnomusicology only or to all programs music related?
  7. Hi Karajan, Thanks for your reply and I am sorry for my silence. I have been away for quite some time. Yes, all other 5 institutions to which I applied have guaranteed funding. I ended up applying anyway. I still did not hear from them. We will see…
  8. Hi everyone! I am currently finishing my MA at UConn and in the process of applying for Ph.D programs. After settling to the universities where I was going to apply, I am struggling with doubts about one of them - Stony Brook. They openly say in the online application to my program that they are not accepting applications for most programs in the department because of funding. Then, the submission of the materials has proven very troubling: they do not accept digital files of your transcripts, for example. You have to send the hard copy to them. All of this has made me think if SB is a good option. Does anyone know how things work in the Music department? Thanks.
  9. AuntyOwl


    On that aspect of housing, I cannot offer much help. I confess I do not know the area and since I will be commuting from New Haven, I did not have the need to prospect it. Good luck with everything, Phyllo!
  10. Congratulations, Yoshite!
  11. AuntyOwl


    Hi, sociologyplease! By your nickname I am guessing we will not be at the same department. But is good to know! Is the Sociology department located in the Storrs campus?
  12. Good for you! It's going to be great! Change is always good! Good luck!
  13. LOOLL! I am sorry for laughing, guys but Homer is just awesome! Good one Oseirus!
  14. Thanks Snes! Whatever is the reason for your indecision, try to rationalize your reasons to go and not to go. Analyze them in a logical approach, see which one makes more sense and ultimately follow your guts. We always know what is better for us. Sometimes we just choose to do the opposite thing. Always go for what makes you happy. Good luck!
  15. Thanks!! Yes, I guess it pays off. But still, they should not make us suffer this much. Wish you the best of luck for those 3 you are still waiting to hear from.
  16. AuntyOwl


    Someone else is going to UConn next Fall?
  17. I'm going to UConn next Fall!! Hooray!!!!! :D

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  18. Got my application decision: accepted with assistantship! Hooray!! Good luck to you all!
  19. The agony is over! Yesterday afternoon I received an email from the director of graduate admission offering me admission with assistantship! Hooray! Wish you all the very best. Good luck! And if something does not work the way you would like, do not give up! Keep on fighting! This was my third application attempt (not to this institution, though). Stay strong because someone will understand your real value. Cheers!
  20. I am seriously freaking out! To a sick point! Now regretting from calling the department...

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  21. I collect every piece of courage and strength still left in me and I called grad school. They told me that since my application was complete they didn't know anything about decisions because that was the department's responsibility. I called the department. The lady asked for my last name and program I had applied for and then told me: "Oh, ok. I will have to go back to the graduate admissions' director and I will call you tomorrow". I am doomed... I can feel it...
  22. That is exactly that. Let's just keep on trying to maintain mental health!
  23. Me too... Somehow, I feel that it is not appropriated to ask...
  24. Thanks for sharing this imonedaful! For someone, like me, who is still waiting after facing rejections in the past, this helps to settle it down a bit.
  25. At least laundry will keep me away from freak out mode today. Tomorrow it's another day...

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    1. Canadianlinguist


      Oh my god do I ever know what you mean

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