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Everything posted by JCV

  1. Just got my "Finalist" e-mail... Quick, let me go run and add that to my two NSF GRFP Honorable Mentions on my resume...
  2. JCV

    NSF GRFP 2009-2010

    If someone turns down a fellowship b/c they were awarded multiple federal fellowships, does the NSF bump up HMs to awards or just not fill the vacancy?
  3. JCV

    NSF GRFP 2009-2010

    second year grad student... Second HM (analytical chemistry)... this year I got VG/VG, VG/E, VG/VG... 3.9 undergrad and 3.9 grad GPA, 2 publications, solids GREs. I really thought I had great broader impacts all around, but only 1 reviewer felt strongly about that Here's to hoping for DOE or NDSEG!
  4. JCV


    Mine shows up as "Welcome Limboer"
  5. JCV


    They took my e-mail when I called and just got back to me over e-mail: Hello , This is a follow up on the call made earlier today. We have checked your status and you are still in the running for becoming a potential Graduate Research Fellow.
  6. I'm in limbo and probably will get an HM or no award I assume. I'm looking for someone in Chemistry (not analytical so I don't help you beat me too much!) to do a really thorough job with me in reviewing each other's application (specifically essays and coming up with ideas on how to improve for next year). I'm very good at proof-reading and technical writing and feel like I have a really strong grasp of what the NSF wants to see. I'll be a second year grad student next year, so someone in the same position in the field of Chemistry would be great. Other than analytical, I'm most knowledgeable about divisions in the following order (from strongest to weakest): Inorganic Organic Physical Bio-related PM me if you're interested!
  7. JCV


    hey just woke up, sorry for not reading all these pages... if i didn't get any e-mail but am not on the 2009 awardees list (other people in my division are)... is that a pretty solid "no" ?
  8. JCV


    an NSF hopeful/pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel in his crotch... the bartender says "you know you got a steering wheel in your crotch, right?" the NSF hopeful, so depressed from waiting, ignores the comment. the bartender later gets to talking with the student/pirate and asks if the wait for the fellowship is bothering him. the student replies "ARRRRRRRRRRRGH!!! IT'S DRIVIN ME NUTS!" ---- /end breakdown
  9. JCV


    So priketh him nature in hir corages Thanne longen folk to goon on pilrymagges And Palmeres for to seeken straunge strondes To ferne halwes kouthe in sondry londes And specially from euery shyres ende Of Engelond to Caunterbury they wende The holy blisful martir for to seke That hem hath holpen whan at they weere seeke.
  10. JCV

    NDSEG 2009

    I definitely thought this sentence: "NDSEG is very competitive and there were many more qualified applicants than could be funded" was going to read... "NDSEG is very competitive and there were many more qualified applicants than you" Still have the NSF hope alive...
  11. JCV


    I'm a first-year grad student applying for the NSF. If I don't get it this year, does anyone know if I can apply again next year? It was a bit confusing how they worded who is eligible (I interpreted it to mean I could not apply next year). However, an NSF reviewer I know told me I should be able to apply as a second year grad student for the last time.
  12. JCV

    NDSEG 2009

    Does anyone know if the e-mails will be sent at 12:01 AM or if we'll have to wait until during the day?
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