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Everything posted by ccarmona

  1. No problem, if another dept. ends up saying they received it post it! That would be a good laugh! Let us know if they try to cover their butts too! I doubt they will considering its a $100 bucks, but you never know. Which by the way the fee is a little outrageous.
  2. I agree with mirandaw; its just part of the process. Your verbal acceptance should be enough to calm some nerves. But when you play the communication game with admissions and professors even they themselves are not the best communicators. Given the amount of emails, work, and patience these people have your probably shooting messages that will end up unanswered. Don't wreck your admission by growing frustrated with them; I hope you don't get the urge to give em a piece of your mind out of frustration. Give it time, and good luck!
  3. Hi, Thanks for the heads up! I am coming to terms with what plenty of people are telling me, more specifically about getting set up to research and teach at a University. Realizing that just getting the PhD is not enough (going off of competitiveness and how schools select their candidate) its almost certain your competing with students who themselves want to teach at a U. Also what makes sense is your take about an EdD to research and teach; going off school admission pages, that is not what this degree is designed to do. Certainly true, many schools still hire EdD for this function, again, depending on ones resume, credentials, where they want to teach, etc. I think it would be cool to entertain this idea further down the road, like years from now after I build my credentials. I will start teaching lower level transfer business courses in the summer (2012) to build on this side of my resume. For my age and resources it will take years to make up the Undergrad GPA requirements and be a stronger candidate; which I am not opposed to I just prefer to not have any gaps in schooling and employment. In other words quoting from SPDFG13579, "Your GPA might be too low to get into a decent school right now, but you can take some post-graduate classes in leadership, education, or related field to boost up your GPA .". I think it will take approximately 1-2 years to accomplish this task. I am already enrolled in a Post Graduate certification course in Education, but I am not sure how much weight it will carry in terms of my overall GPA. You said, "Taking the usual weightings into account, your 3.3 in an MBA program is better than your 2.2 undergrad GPA, but not by as much as you might think. And a lot of schools have GPA cutoffs around the 3.0 range". How do "most" schools calculate the GPA? Is it the last 60 units or do they also factor in undergraduate GPA? I mean when your at the doctoral level.
  4. Hi, Sounds pretty weird to me and I am sure it doesn't happen that often (your situation specifically). I would contact them again and ask to speak to someone who actually makes decisions around there. Possibly an administrator or someone higher than the person you spoke with. If they tell you again that there is no record, politely explain your situation and concerns. If it comes to the point where the deadline actually passes (should be listed on the application site) just go ahead and ask for a full refund. On the grounds that you paid for a "yes or no" response from the college. You didn't pay them to lose your materials. It may be someone internally from the college lost it and responsible but just doesn't want to be held accountable for the loss. After all, they are processed manually and humans make mistakes. Give it a try and wait it out. You may receive an email out of no where saying you were accepted or denied from a completely different department (maybe it would up at a different department). In either case I would wait for the deadline to pass, then contact them. Good luck!
  5. talk trash
  6. route sales
  7. Hi, Good job on you interest card for an MA, when you get into grad school it will all be worth it. Let me explain something to you, because like one other person put it, "sugar coating" is not very cool. Your GPA is what it is. There is no turning back. Even if you decide to retake Econ it will raise the GPA to something like 2.5-2.6 (my best guess). Save your time, money, and energy and apply all these factors of production into your new path. What mean here is break out the laptop, research which programs fit with your interest, prepare, and pull the trigger. Go to www.gradschools.com and search for which programs you like best. Then do the work and match them with admissions criteria (this takes time) so go to each school and look at their admissions page. Don't worry, you will find a program that will say, "GPA = 3.0 or better". Then in fine print it will read, "conditional admit" ect. Look carefully here. That will determine how they will judge your overall application. You have a shot. Better yet, you should get in (somewhere). It may not be top tier like Harvard or Yale. It could be something more like state universities or possibly regional institutions. I am not aware of who selects who for an MA in International Affairs (my focus has always been in business). But I do know this. My undergrad GPA was somewhere around 2.5 (Business) and my GMAT was not outstanding. My portfolio was similar to yours with languages and post college career. And I still got into a top tier MBA program on conditional admit (Regional). I had to get "B's" or better the first three courses. I got straight "A's". Don't fall victim to a for profit "online" model. Stay away. Non profit "online" model yes. But again, profit model, No. If your unsure just do a basic "wiki" search of the schools you like. They will more than likely tell you there. This requires you put all those factors of production I was mentioning above. If you do this you will get in (somewhere). But not sure about Euro schools. Similar, but yet still another ball game. You may or may not like the advice I just gave you. Given your initial concern about retaking the Econ course, I am confident you can get a better grade, I am just not confident it has enough weight. Besides, the admission board see's everything on your transcript: redo's, probation, failed courses, "D's", ect. Good Luck!
  8. Just like it reads. Not devastated or surprised, just worried there will be more to follow.
  9. Thanks for the info I didn't know this ranking even existed! I can see your point about the US News ranking. Maybe they are more of a publicity stunt or "marketing" than they are about actual real information. They do provide some good information about costs, student body, and admission selectivity. Although if its based on "surveyed" information I am not sure how relavant it is. Before I got into my MBA program I was already researching where I would apply for a doctoral. For the most part it was information from US News and Gradschools.com that I found were most useful. Looks like I have to take sometime with this spreadsheet I just downloaded from nationalacademics.org; its pretty long! Thanks again
  10. Ok, so I have three degrees. First is an AA in Business, GPA was 2.9. Second, is a BBA in Business and upper division GPA was 2.2. Lastly, my MBA in Business is 3.3. I know its a weird mix and I wont attempt to externalize the circumstances here, I just want to know how a decent (not online for profit schools) will look at this? I am preparing for the GRE and I know I can score average if not slightly above average. Any chance of actually getting into a decent national research institution as a PhD student in Business? I know some programs just take into account last 60 credits of school work; and possible omit undergrad GPA. If not a PhD in Business I have to lower my standard. An EdD in Leadership or a PhD in Education as examples. I need to be a doctor in something. Its the GPA stuff I am worried about; everything else is pretty strong. Thanks in advance!
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