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Everything posted by myohmichael

  1. Hi there! I can't offer any help on funding (I'm doing my MA abroad so I am ineligible for just about anything but student loans) but I will say that you still sound like a competitve candidate. I didn't have to take the GRE for the schools I applied to- but I would recommend doing so sooner rather than later and study, study, study! A good GRE score will help you get the attention of admissions. While your W's will impact you a bit, a 3.6 is still a good GPA and will help counter them. For recommendations, pick instructors you have worked most closely with. Instructors who can speak to your passion and dedication. That matters more than their title. Also, really work out a good statement of purpose that explains what work you've done, how it has positively effected your education etc. I too came from a small mostly unknown school in Alaska of all places, and I can tell you that I was accepted into three British schools with far less than you have stated you already have. Make sure you talk about your language skills, and your museum experience. Even the littlest bit of experience can go a long way if you can eloquently explain how it has helped you even if all it did was cement your passion and make your goals clearer. I wish you the best of luck! I hope it helps!
  2. Thanks everyone, I admit I had a moment of mental weakness and blew it a tad out of proportion. However, it just made it that much sweeter when the director of the program called me yesterday to let me know I was accepted!
  3. Have you guys had any luck in sorting out your accommodation plans? I've been considering using a relocation service like this http://www.londonrelocationservices.com/ just to speed up and streamline the process but I'm not sure its worth the big expense....
  4. 2/3 accepted! Going to go with one of these two options and decline my interview with the third. So glad the wait is over!

  5. Got my first determination on Thursday... ACCEPTED!

  6. I don't think I adequately prepared myself for the level of stress I've had during the application process- which is saying a lot since I already stress tremendously just by nature. My latest issue is as follows: I submitted all of my documents to one of my top schools just about 2 weeks before the deadline. USPS was unable to provide me proof of delivery for my reference letters and I began to panic. I e-mailed the school to confirm if they received them, and their first response said their system did not show them. [insert panic attack] The next day, however, they confirmed that they were received [brief moment of relief] but then asked if I had submitted my actual application and supporting materials as well... these had been either emailed or submitted online nearly two weeks prior. [insert another meltdown] By now the deadline had passed- and so I forwarded the original message and attachments immediately. After this, I waited and waited and I still had not heard back from them and wrote them once more to see if the previous e-mail had been recived. Days passed before finally I got an e-mail this morning saying they still needed them. [what's this pressure in my chest? a heart attack?] I have now submitted all of my materials (with the exception of my reference letters) three times. And due to time differences- I can't call them when they are open. And even if the timing weren't an issue- I tried calling to leave a message and couldn't get through at all. It will be at least a day (if not two or three or more) before I know if they received them. I must have upset the gmail gods somehow and this is certainly a punishment. I'm really concerned that despite the documentation of my submission dates that they will consider my application late and put me back at the bottom of the list for processing. I don't know if my nerves can handle anymore waiting! Has anyone else had crazy application issues?
  7. My favorite so far? "Don't worry about it. It's your destiny." ....and they weren't kidding. And they didn't say it just once.... it's the latest comment on all grad school related facebook posts. Well. Let's hope "destiny" works in my favor?
  8. Interviewed with Birkbeck today- really pleased with how it went.

  9. I applied to three programs in London- two MA and one MLitt. I really want to go to school in the UK (Free museum access? Easy travel throuhgout Europe? Yes please!) but my GPA (3.23) limited a lot of my options as did application deadlines. The plus is though, the GRE isn't required over there so I was able to put that off a bit longer. I have a a phone interview with Birkbeck next week, and then I have no idea how long after that it takes to get an acceptance/rejection confirmation. Richmond doesn't require an interview and their website says that admitted students must submit their confirmation letter and deposit by May 1st- which leads me to assume I will know in the next few weeks. I also have had an interview requested by the Christie's education program- but it is not until the middle of June! If I get in to Birkbeck or Richmond before June I'll have a tough call to make as to whether or not I should still interview at Christie's......especially because RIchmond requires a deposit so early.... so much pressure!
  10. Hi everyone, I am currently completing my undergraduate degree in the US but have submitted three applications for graduate study in the UK and am looking for resources on possible funding opportunities. I have a satisfactory gpa- but not an exceptional one (3.23 presently will likely be the same when I finish in May). So I'm looking for scholarships/grants but I'm having a tough time finding anything that is applicable. Has anyone found some good resources? Even just scholarships for travel costs (I live in Alaska and commuting to London from here is NOT cheap!) Thanks!
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