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  1. I won't lie, the budgets will be an issue for any CA state school. I don't have a choice as I can't move, so I'm going to have to go through with it and hope for the best. It will probably take you more than 2 years. That's not because of budgets, but because of classes you may not have taken that CSUN requires. I'm in a couple of UG classes that many graduates need to take. So, check what their pre-CDS (their post-bac program) requires and see if you've done all of those classes or similar. I know that their neuroanatomy is graduate level and if you did it as an undergraduate they might require you to retake it as the graduate level covers in more detail/some different content. I also got accepted into CSULA and they had 3 classes I hadn't taken yet as CSUN has those at the graduate level, so this is an issue if you are swapping to a different program from where you did your prerequisites. It would be nice if there was some conformity across programs! The current delay in notifying students I was told is from university administration. The Cal States are over-enrolled in number of students and I heard that administration hadn't decided how many students the department could accept. The department made their decision on applicants weeks ago. There was an issue with registering for classes this semester for a similar administration issue - the department did work to sort it out. I don't know how much of an issue this will be going forward - no one knows. Can you call U of Washington and ask about where you are on the wait list, when will they notify people etc.
  2. CSUN sent out an email tonight re. graduate school admissions. The word I heard around the department was that the decisions were made 2 weeks ago, but university administration was the hold up. I was accepted. Good luck to everyone else...
  3. I'm not sure how much the budget crisis is impacting the admissions process. This current semester the department was directed to reduce class enrollment for the UG classes - some of my classes are only half the size. The CSUs saying they may postpone Spring Undergrad admissions until the following Fall and even postpone the Fall admissions if the tax isn't passed at the Nov. election, may also be having some influence here. I know someone who was an undergrad at CSULA and she's going to get me in touch with some people that are currently at CSULA, so I can ask questions. It's difficult to know much about the program. As far as I know, I don't have to pay a deposit. In my acceptance letter they said they hoped everyone could graduate within 2 years, but that means doing the Summer quarters and budget cuts may affect their Summer offerings, so they can no longer guarantee the 2 years. CSUN will take me longer (2-3 years if I don't do clinic over the Summers and I have 2 classes need for certification to work in CA schools), but CSULA's quarter system may not be doable for my family. Being a full-time student on semester set-up at CSUN is hectic enough. I also have all my connections with professors and fellow students and a support network already set-up there - that counts for a lot to get through the course work. But it may not be a decision I have to make - I may not get into CSUN. And I won't know for several more days.
  4. I spoke with CSUN's office staff, she said we should hear from them in a week or so. She understands that we're all waiting and knows we have to give notice to other schools by April 15th - which is a Sunday, weird that it's the 15th and not the 13th or the 16th. I do think she's doing her best to get the process moved along. Another unofficial source told me she thinks we might hear this Friday. I spoke with a graduate student that I know and she told me to go ahead and accpept the offer I already have (CSULA) to secure that spot and I can rescind the offer if I do get accepted into CSUN and if I want that instead. I don't like doing that, but she said it happens and the schools seem to understand that and they have enough people waitlisted that the spot will get filled. I didn't expect to get into CSULA, so I need to find out more about their program. Does anyone know more about CSULA?
  5. I'm at CSUN for their pre-CDS program, we were told we would hear this week. There will be several of us at the department office first thing Monday asking when we will be notified. I'll post what I get told.
  6. Advice if you don't mind for someone who's older and having a career change into being a SLP. Don't go into a great amount of debt. SLP does pay decently, but if you one day want a house and a family, and save for your own kids' college, not having huge student loan debt will help with being able to afford everything else that you want. The repayment amount doesn't sound like too much now, but once you try to figure a mortgage, retirement savings, college savings for kids and living expenses, it really does add up. From SLPs I've spoken with, they get paid the same regardless of the school they attended. Do a cost-benefit analysis and work out if the extra years of paying off the loans + interest is worth it for the expensive school.
  7. I was accepted into CSULA on Monday 26 March by letter.
  8. I heard from CSULA on Monday with an acceptance letter. CSUN, where I'm currently at, told us we'll hear next week. I only applied to these 2 as closest to where I live and I can't move. Good luck everyone.
  9. CSULA sent me an acceptance letter on Monday, so they got them out earlier than mid-April. They want an answer April 15. I'm at CSUN for pre-CDS program and they told us we should hear week of April 2-7, it's their Spring Break. Grad. students have told me they send an email. HTH
  10. I heard back from CSULA on Monday. I got accepted - they sent a letter and want an answer by April 15. I'm currently attending CSUN and finishing their pre-CDS program, we expect to hear from them next week during Spring Break - at least that is what we were told.
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