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    2018 Fall
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    Art History

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  1. Nada. Last year they waited to notify some students on April 11th! So, we might still have some waiting time.
  2. Hello! I'm hoping someone out there can help me make a solid decision about which graduate program to enroll in. I was recently offered admission into these two programs: University of Chicago, MA, Latin American & Caribbean Studies (Art History focus); 1 year program; ~8 students Hunter College CUNY, MA, Art History (Latin American focus); ~2 year program; ~100 students; part-time or full-time I hope to (eventually) pursue a fully-funded PhD program in Latin American art history. I have contacted professors at the schools I hope to apply to for PhD programs and they have valid points in promoting either program. This is why I'm torn between the two. They are about equal in cost (considering scholarships and living expenses in Chicago vs NY). However, I would be able to work full-time while attending Hunter. I have heard amazing things about the art history program and placements at Hunter, but I think it might also be due to the fact that they produce a greater quantity of students. The University of Chicago has a great name, but because the LACS program is small, I'm finding it difficult to speak to alumni. UofC seems incredibly supportive of its students and the campus life seems to be really rich - which I imagine to be a hard thing to achieve with a larger group of commuter students at Hunter. I'm hoping some of you veterans out there will have insight on this dilemma. Which do you think would provide better preparation for PhD applications/placements? Is a 2 year program always better than a 1 year MA? Is an MA in Latin American & Caribbean Studies (with a focus in art history) just as respected as an Art History MA? Do you recommend one school over another?
  3. I emailed the department again, because I was worried I wouldn't hear back before needing to drop a deposit on one of the other schools. I finally received a decision email from the Director regarding their decision (sadly, didn't get in). If you don't hear within the day and are in a similar position with needing to accept or put deposits down elsewhere, I recommend contacting them. GOOD LUCK!!!
  4. I contacted the Department's Admin Assistant on March 13 and they said decisions were made and the "system should be notifying you within the next few days." So......I'm hoping any day now we will all get an answer.
  5. I don't think Columbia has released any MA decisions yet, just the PhD. I'm still waiting too.
  6. Hi all! I just came across this forum after applying to several schools (UT Austin, University of New Mexico, University of Chicago, Tulane, CUNY Hunter College, and Columbia). It's been really helpful to understand where others are at in the application process. While I'm still waiting to hear back from Tulane (not very optimistic), I did get accepted to Hunter's MA program and University of Chicago's Latin American and Caribbean Studies MA program (with a focus on Art History). My area of study is Latin American art history. I noticed that quite a few of you are regionally focused on Latin America as well. Does anyone have any knowledge of these two programs? I intend to apply to PhD programs in Art History after receiving my MA, so does anyone here have any insight on which program might be better for preparing me to apply to PhD programs? I have been offered a half-tuition scholarship to Chicago, so tuition would be comparable to CUNY. I have a BA in Art Practice from UC Berkeley. I found that many of my rejections were due to the fact that even though I have been working in museums for years, I did not take many upper division art history courses as an undergrad. This is something I will be focusing on making up for in my MA. Any advice is appreciated! Thanks!
  7. I've considered arts administration, but I would like to be a little more informed about art history for researching and curating for museums, galleries and art centers. My main interest in art history is because I've had a passion for it, I would love to be an art history teacher at a junior college someday, and it would also allow me to curate. Studying Latin American art history, I feel, would be very helpful for curating and organizing in the SF bay area and working in Latin American communities. I guess I did a poor job at explaining myself. I would, ideally, like to do all of that from the discipline of art history. But I will consider those questions. Your comment was very helpful. It might be better in the long run if I didn't focus on art history as the center of my studies, so thank you for your reply!
  8. Hey everyone, I realize that most of my questions could be answered by a college counselor, but since I've already graduated and I'm in South Korea, I'm hoping that some of you will offer up your insight and guidance while I try to figure out what my next step should be. My primary goal is to work in a community with different art centers, museums, artists, and various other community organizations. I would like to help organize art events, promote cultural diversity, advocate for certain social issues, and reach out in other ways such as through clinics and mental health centers. This may be hard to achieve, but I want to get as qualified as possible for a career that at least does some of that. If possible, I would like to get a PhD in art history, with a focus on Latin American art. It's been my passion for years. My guess is that I can focus my doctoral studies on not only Latin American art, but community art and issues. I graduated from UC Berkeley with honors and a major in Art Practice. I only have a year of French. I have experience working in galleries on campus (exhibition design, installation, filming of lectures, hosting opening nights, etc), exhibiting my own work in galleries, working on a Day of the Dead event, and facilitating two different art therapy programs in the community. I've only taken 4 classes in art history. I'm recognized as a California Arts Scholar and received the governor's medallion in high school. And for the past year, since graduating, I've been teaching english for the South Korean government in rural South Korea as part of a visiting scholar program. This is what I have to offer. So my questions (and I'm really sorry for making this so long) are: -What are my chances at getting accepted into an art history MA or PhD program if I apply now? -What schools would be more likely to accept me? -If my chances at getting into a good school are low, what can i do in the coming year to make myself more competitive? Thank you so much to anyone who takes the time and effort to read and respond! You don't know how much I appreciate it.
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