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Everything posted by blueberryscone

  1. Is that different from the application website? Because that, like the websites for all the other schools' apps I've seen, just tells you whether your application is missing anything and when you submitted it.
  2. Yeah, can I add to the chorus of angsting about Maryland? UMD, you're a solid fit, commutable distance from home, and your deadline was insanely early. Y U NO TALK 2 ME?! U MAD??
  3. I don't think any of my schools let you check the status of your application once it's in. How would I know if they did?
  4. Ditto. I didn't expect to hear back until the end of the month, but after getting a waitlist email from Princeton over the week I started obsessively checking email and GC. I turned from a normal, productive member of society into Gollum in about 30 seconds. Looks like Penn and Brown have sent out their acceptances, Penn its waitlist, too, so I assume those are out. I can't tell whether it's easier to get the bad news incrementally, like a warning that's then confirmed, or have it all in one go... At any rate, assuming those are gone, I'm only really waiting on two schools now.
  5. Mocha, my obese cat and that obese cat should be friends. Especially because right now, with the waiting, pouting, and stress-baking, I feel like an obese cat.
  6. I have turned into the world's least productive human. I have an entire book to copy-edit and all I can do is compulsively refresh like 5 tabs on gradcafe.
  7. I would, but I can't! Compulsive applicant is compulsive.
  8. Hi y'all. Just found out I won a prize for the best MA dissertation among the programs in my department (out of 100+ dissertations). Is it appropriate to contact schools with that info? I'd also let them know about a paper accepted for publication, pending some edits, at an established journal in my sub-field. Those are neat things, but is it advisable to contact admissions about relevant stuff that's happened since application deadlines passed? Or are admissions peeps so inundated with stuff right now that it'll annoy anyone who bothers to open the email?
  9. Hi All, Longtime lurker here. Anyone know how Brown runs its English apps? It's definitely a reach school for me (not that any Ph.D programs are 'safeties'), but I was keeping my fingers crossed. Looks like they've sent out their acceptances, and last year all the acceptances came out in one bundle, with no one waitlisted or accepted after the first round. So in this case, no news is bad news, yes?
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