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Everything posted by blueberryscone

  1. Hey Ladies-and-Dudes-in-Waiting, I just called UMD's English office to clear up an issue with my app, and asked about some things. So, info: --They had over 200 applicants this year --They have 9 spots to give --They estimate they will be finished evaluating and accepting "within the next week or two" Hope that helps!
  2. Wishin' and hopin' here myself. UMD would be fantastic for a lot of reasons--chief among them, I could stay in DC--and I could really, really use some good news.
  3. No idea. And I'm too nervous to ask, since it's the best news I've gotten so far and I don't have enough extra joy to get smooshed down if the answer is "at the back, right behind the important people."
  4. Waitlisted at Princeton, and keeping my fingers mega-crossed.
  5. Yep. Just got the strikingly unceremonious boot from Brown.
  6. Wisconsin, obvs. Visited my bf's family and he casually mentioned that his friend's dad owned a microbrewery. Like, that is a normal option for people in Wisconsin. Pretty sure their career day tests over there pop out "Doctor, lawyer, teacher, microbrewery manager, physicist..."
  7. Yeah I'm pretty into that kitten. Obvs. Also I just want to make sure that anyone who did not realize my avatar is a loving portrait of my obese feline gets a chance to go ahead and imagine the joy of smooshing one's face all up in there. There. Doesn't that feel better?
  8. 5 years out, and I still have cravings for food from Amherst/Northampton. Like, regularly. Le sigh!
  9. Hey, I haven't heard anything from them either, but given how small their class sizes are, and going by the working theory that these forums are indeed the tip of the iceberg, I'd be really surprised if they kept taking more people.
  10. I'm just now remembering (after applying only to coldish places) how much I kicked myself for going to college in MA. Until summer and fall happened. Then I'd hug myself.
  11. The acceptances? Does that mean they haven't rolled out the regular acceptances yet? (she said, super-nonchalantly)
  12. Thanks! I've been too nervous to email any of the schools I'm waiting for, but that is really helpful.
  13. I can't be trusted around peanut butter! I've never actually eaten the entire jar in one sitting, but not eating, say, a half-cup of the stuff takes some doing.
  14. UMD's the only school within commuting distance of my dude, so I'm carrying a torch for them, too. I'd have guessed they'd send out everything by now because their deadline was so early, but I guess not
  15. CodeBlue, thanks for posting the results of your calls. It is frustrating to be in this particular section of limbo, a little worse than neutral, bracing for bad news. I know that all those schools have sent out their acceptances and my mailbox is empty, but whatever I say out loud, well-intended cheery choruses of "it's not over till it's over!" are getting in the way of moving on to the next thing. Whenever I catch myself getting upset at these places for not just ripping the bandaid off with an email already, though, I realize that I'm really disappointed about the forthcoming rejection, and being angry at its timing is--at least in part--a coping mechanism.
  16. In case it helps anyone else, this is helping me with the I CANT SLEEP MUST CHECK EMAIL problem. http://www.youtube.com/embed/JlezOeXGt4c?feature=player_embedded Edited to correct link
  17. Klondike bars! Wow, blast from the delicious, delicious past. The only grocery stores within walking distance are a Trader Joe's and a Whole Foods, and there are just not enough organic kale chips in the world to fix what's wrong. Wonder how far I'd have to go to track down some Klondike bars and cheddar blasted goldfish...
  18. Oh, I see. I think I searched for "UVA" which for some reason didn't bring those up. Well, that's a bummer.
  19. Hey guys. I'm almost out of smoked cheddar popcorn and I've made two kinds of cookies from scratch and I haven't heard anything from anyone except the waitlist, which is essentially Princeton: Hey, wanna go to the movies this weekend? Me: Yes! Totally! I was so hoping you'd ask me, becau--- Princeton: Great. If someone prettier than you can't make it, you can come. Me: ...thanks? Princeton: I'll call you to let you know. Sometime in March. Probably. I'm making shrimp scampi for dinner and boiling this for lunch tomorrow, because if I cook enough things then I'm not compulsively refreshing my email. When I applied for my MA I ended up with enough biscotti to choke a horse. But I didn't have a horse, all I had were bewildered (but soon satiated) houseguests. Does anyone else share this coping strategy? What are you stuffing in your face?
  20. Dazed and patientagony, why are you both assuming UVA rejections? I haven't seen anything from Virginia on the boards.
  21. Yeah, for some people this may be a practice round, but...I don't think I'm going to take another pass at this. My application was solid, with conference presentations, publications, stellar recs, an international fellowship, and I hardcore rocked my MA. I put my best stuff out there, and if no one takes me up on it now, I think I'll just keep my grumpy here in the publishing world, where I can spend the next 40 years rejecting book proposals from any professor on the admissions board of a school that rejected me go home at 6:00 and watch New Girl.
  22. Also I want to get in on the congratulatory love that's flying around this site, but it's hard when I'm the world's envious-est and GRUMPIEST HUMAN
  23. I work at a literary agency, so unfortunately, I'm well qualified to reject my own proposal for "SALTY LANGUAGE: MY YEAR ON THE PRETZEL M&M DIET"
  24. Thanks, Rose. Back to staring at a screen and continuing to test my all-Pretzel M&M diet.
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