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Posts posted by somerset

  1. Being waitlisted is so painful and sometimes feels as if you are slowly dying. In some ways it is worse than an outright rejection because you are dragged along for so long and you want to remain hopeful but at the same time you are afraid of getting your hopes up too high only to be crushed later. I got a letter from the DGS from the at my top choice school, the place I have hoped to attend for years and where I'm currently waitlisted. He just wanted to go over the waitlist process again and asked me to let the school know if I remained interested in attending and if I had accepted any other offers. I'm very curious as to why this email was sent on a Saturday and keep trying to tell myself it means nothing and is just a formality sent to everyone on the waitlist. Gah! I hate being waitlisted.



    Hey maybe there is hope for you if they reached out to you? But then this might just be the case of one waitlisted person desperately seeking signs as well! the DGS responded to my email asking what rank i hold on the waitlist saying that there were 4 people and shes not sure what will happen and the usual we appreciate your patience crap-its so killing....i keep finding myself dreaming about getting off the waitlist and then i curse myself for letting go inside my head like this coz then when you dont it just hurts more.....and i hate all those people who say dont think so much-its really hard to stop!

  2. according to this resolution you have to ask for a release from the place you accepted if you want to withdraw after april 15...to let you know im swimming in the same thing..i have accepted the offer from the other school since they pestered the hell out of me...and more important also increased my money a little....so if my waitlist school tells me later i dont know what will happen!

  3. @helpful fool- well the email did not say dont contact them-it said that they will get back to me in early april and thats a long time away esp since i have an offer in hand...so i decided to ask something but me think maybe your partly right since i have no response after 3 days now! this sucks! this thread has a lot of hopeful stories....cant help feeling though that i am not going to be one of them!

  4. so now i no i was rejected from the last school i applied to since i saw other people got accepted on the forums...what sucks is this knowing that if your rejected you wont know till much later but if your accepted you know instantly....and my top school has still not responded to my email! @kushandave- i think i will be happy at the school i have full funding but its just that the top school has been a dream so its hard to let go whereas logically i know it will not happen...some part of me does wish it does:)

  5. it is really annoying like at this evry moment thanks to this forum i know one of the schools I have applied to have sent out acceptances but then they did not send me a rejection-why not? Especially when I have been emailing them for over a week now! Its terrible! ANd I do think that the huge application fee at least warrants an intimation of acceptance or rejection- waitlisting is of course the worst thing that can happen to you!

  6. I have a fully funded offer from another school....its just that it was not my top choice and my top choice has waitlisted me and the most annoying part is that after I got the waitlist email I wrote back asking for details about what rank and all and have received no response which makes me really think about it being my top school also since I school I got in just offered me a little bit of extra money over the fund I got in the initial offer and are very very prompt!

  7. i got waitlisted at my top program while I am accepted into another one that i am not so excited about with full funding....and the school that has waitlisted me has not responded to my emails asking them what rank am i on the list or what were the shortcomings on my application.....its killing me....the director of the phd program in the super generic waitlist email said that they had 5 spots....seems really unlikely but i beginning to lose it....i just with they would tell me what spot i hold on the waitlist...like if i am number 5 i know i have no chance in helll and then i can move on!!!!

  8. im on a waitlist at my top program and i did email the director of the phd program saying that im disappointed i did not get in and that it is my first choice....no response from her...i did also ask her about my rank on the waitlist and what were the shortcomings on my application....its been 2 days and im freaking out...just a one line email from her would make my day! is there anyone out there reading this thread?

  9. on a wait list at Rutgers- the director of the PhD program just informed me! While I am happy I am not rejected I dont know what to make of my chances...she said that they are only taking 5 people this year and thus the process was very competitive.....and that they will let me know by April...any thoughts?

  10. i feel like I am losing my mind. Having a full time and part time job does not help either. I work and then at every break I check results postings! And then feel frustrated when I hear nothing. I emailed my top school graduate assistant and its been 3 days and she has not responded..I just wish she would write a one line-would keep me going for another sometime-a concrete deadline helps no? Going craaaaazzzzzzy...how are you all doing?

  11. Sometimes even I feel that I should have applied to more places but then feel that there is no point if i did not really want to go to those other places even if i did get in..and if i did end up going there in my mind i would still be feeling like i went to by bottom choice places....

  12. Congratulations Simonetta Seeker on Michigan State:) :):) Good choice to apply to many! My problem was that it was difficult to find POIs....how are you people handling the wait? I am pretty convinced I wont get into UW or Rutgers since I have a low GRE score and I am an international applicant:( Those schools really seem to want high GREs...UW goes ahead to say that one should sign up for classes to ensure a good score! Pretty scary! How are you all doing with the wait?

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