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About olayak

  • Birthday 03/05/1977

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  • Gender
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  • Location
    New York City
  • Interests
    Interested in cognitive psychology, biopsych, animal behavior, learning processes, education.
  • Application Season
    Not Applicable
  • Program
    Completed DSW at NYU

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  1. Anyone heard from New Paltz yet?
  2. I'm faculty at NYU and it's definitely a good idea to write thank you emails, it helps you stand out!
  3. How did it go? Fingers crossed for you!
  4. I found out that Purchase is still reviewing applications. Has anyone heard from New Paltz yet?
  5. ok! My husband hasn't heard anything yet, I hope that's not a bad sign!
  6. For those of you who got responses from Purchase, which program in the MFA did you apply for?
  7. Not yet, my husband is also waiting to hear from Purchase. I've seen that in the past they sometimes sent out replies in late March, so idk. Keeping our fingers crossed. Has anyone heard from New Paltz?
  8. My husband just received the rejection email from Hunter. He is a career artist with tons of experience, teaching experience and a BA Honors in Studio Art. So, not sure what they are looking for.
  9. what speciality at hunter? My husband is waiting to hear back about Drawing. Thanks
  10. Anyone heard back from any of these? Hunter College SUNY New Paltz SUNY Purchase
  11. olayak

    Decision Dates?

    Anyone know when the following schools usually post their decisions? (for MFA Studio Art) Hunter College SUNY New Paltz SUNY Purchase Thanks!
  12. They were really understanding and helpful. They were always accessible. I feel like most social workers are understanding of special circumstances. The deadlines are strict but they do understand special circumstances.
  13. Honestly, I knew people who were in that program, we had classes together, but I really don't remember. Sorry! I think the big difference is that they spread the internship out so that it goes for 12 months (fewer hours each week) instead of 8 months (21 hrs each week). But I could be remembering wrong. I think other people in the program kept their existing social work job and that counted towards their internship. If it's the program for working professionals I'm sure they make it manageable. They're super nice and will usually work with you to fix any problem.
  14. Hi, I got my MSW from NYU in 2011. Trust me, you will have no time to work a job while going to school. The program involves taking a full course load (4 classes) plus a 21 hr per week internship. The little time you have left will be spent on school work. Some people do manage to work a couple of hours per week but they find it very difficult. You'll be able to work in the summer, tho. I hope that helps. Is be happy to answer any questions about the program. I'm returning this fall to NYU to get my DSW!
  15. I have found that they both have equally as reputable programs. NYU is mostly just clinical while Hunter has "tracks" so you can focus on what you're most interested in. So Hunter also has a clinical track. NYU can be a little more psychoanalytic while Hunter can be more psychodynamic. I hope that helps!
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