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Everything posted by wells

  1. I think that the University of Iowa accepts applications until February 15.
  2. Where is Texas A&M? Tier IV?
  3. My list right now is at 9. (Questions/concerns follow the name.) Obviously, the question of whether they would accept me is a concern for all schools on the list! There are some "reaches" here: HARVARD WASHINGTON UC-B (Completion rates) DUKE (Is it somehow out of the mainstream? (See wine in coffee cups thoughtful post ( ) Does that matter?) UPENN NCSU (size, would I get lost in the crowd?) WISCONSIN or MICHIGAN (Completion rates for both) COLUMBIA (size, would I get lost in the crowd?) UNC (especially if I go the biostat route, otherwise: appropriate?) Are there other programs I should think about? Like wine in coffee cups I'm currently most interested in statistics applications to the social sciences. Any thoughts? cyberwulf? wine in coffee cups? ANDS!? Anyone else? Thank you very much!
  4. For what it's worth, it looks to me that if you have good mgre/toefl scores, you could aim higher. I don't know how many applications you want to make and pay for, but maybe more in the upper part of your range. Good Luck!
  5. Thanks very much hedgie for the comment! Yes I am a citizen of the US. Does that tend to make a difference one way or another? Anyone else? Please post a comment or suggestion. Any particular schools I should look at given my interests? Thanks!
  6. Hello, If anyone could provide some suggestions as to some appropriate places to apply given my profile, I would really appreciate it! The things that concern me are GRE score, the letters of recommendation and the research area. All comments welcome. Undergrad institution: Large school with a top 20 PhD Program in Statistics according to US News Major: BS Applied Math and BS Economics Minor: Statistics GPA: 4.0/4.0 Type of Student: dwm GRE Revised General Test: Q: 165 V: 159 W: 4.5 Program Applying: Statistics Interests: applied statistics, but would like an academic career. Math Courses: Calc I (A), Calc II (A), Calc III (A+), Advanced Math (A), Diff Eq I (A), Linear Algebra (A+), Diff Eq II (A), Modern Algebra (A), Intro Sci Programming (A+) Computational Math (A-), Real Analysis (A), Math Modeling (A), Math Independent Research (P). Statistics Courses: Intro (A), Statistical Methods (A), Intro Math Statistics I (A+), Intro Math Statistics II (A). Upcoming Courses in Math/Stat: Fall: Math: Independent Research, Stat: Intro to Regression Analysis, plus other non-math, non-stat courses. Spring: ? Research Experience: 1 Summer Workshop on Mathematical Modeling in Epidemiology and Ecology (not an REU), plan to at least present a poster at a local conference. 1 poster presentation (ecological modeling) at an ivy-league undergrad math conference, research assistant work with professor on engineering mathematics topic, no result. Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Prestigious full-ride scholarship for undergrad, usual honor societies: phi beta kappa, phi kappa phi, omicron delta epsilon. Pertinent Activities or Jobs: TA for a Calculus course. Letters of Reference: Not settled, probably one from my math advisor (PhD top 50 in math), one from Math Stat prof (PhD from top 35 stat program), math prof (PhD top 30 math program) who oversaw ecological modeling work. I expect the LOR from my advisor to be superb, and the other two should be excellent. Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: Such as connections…Not really.
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