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What should I do for waitlist?


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I received the waitlist from MIT MSRED (real estate development) and I have to say that I'm super honored for being considered on waitlist which I have never expected, since I'm an undergraduate without any working experience.(Usually, this program asks for 3-5 years working experience at least...) As I'm not rejected, I'm going to try anyway. I don't want to get a bad result after getting something that seems good.

But here comes my problem, what should I do for making this situation better? When I was replying the confirmation form, I also attached my updated resume and restatement letter to the email, since I've achieved a lot after submission. But I'm not sure whether I should send the email to the officer twice a week to remind him? Or should I email to the members in admission committee to restate my interest in MSRED? Some said that they finally succeeded in this way and some said that this might bother admission committee since they would receive tons of emails every day. Could someone tell me what I should do? This is super important for me.......


Or does anyone have any idea of how many people get waitlist from MIT MSRED? What is the probability for being admitted from waitlist?


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In my opinion that sounds like it would bother the people if you're constantly emailing them. I think every 2 weeks is an appropriate window to follow up. Since you replied and accepted the waitlist they're aware you're still interested in the program(especially since you attached things that sound like they weren't necessarily looking for). In addition probability of being admitted off of a waitlist varies school to school as well as year to year depending on how many people accept the offer.

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