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SIPA Vs Sanford


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Hello all,


I just wanted to know what your thoughts on both these schools are. And why would you choose one over the other. Please let me know as it would help me with my decision. In terms of program, ranking, training, placements, reputation etc.


I got into the Duke MIDP program, waitlisted at their MPP program, and got into the Columbia MPA program. All 2 years.

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Thanks for the response. 

1. Funding: I don't think I have funding from Columbia; and I am yet to hear from Duke regarding funding. Also, I am lucky enough at the moment to not to worry about funding. I am able to support myself. 

2. I am looking for more international exposure and placements. I want to work for developing nations, preferably India. I am more interested in nonprofits rather than government.

3. I think I better I let you know this as well:

Location wise I prefer North Carolina over NY. My husband can move with me only if it is North Carolina, as he has an office in Charlotte. So if it is duke we are looking at living in Greensboro, which is 50 mins from Duke and an hour from Charlotte. We do not mind that distance. However, if it is NYC, we either have to do a long distance relationship (which would be horrible) or he take a sabbatical for 2 years! Is it worth it? 

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Morning, @MoE'd! For the work you want to do, I would say SIPA is a better choice, but I am here to make the Duke case!

I am a firm believer in being happy over your time in a program as well! I've lived close to Charlotte and close to Durham, and I love North Carolina! Greensboro is also really fun and cool, and offers a lot for weekends and such. I think for you to be successful in your program, you need to be happy, and from the way you're phrasing your move to NYC, I think Duke is a good choice! It's a strong program, and Duke is a beautiful campus. There's also a lot of up and coming startups and nonprofits in Durham and in Charlotte, and since you're looking at nonprofit work that could be useful! A lot of my friends are on boards / starting their own nonprofits down here, and due to the proximity of Duke, they are finding outstanding candidates to work for them!

I know you said cost isn't a concern, but the cost of living in the Triad/Greensboro is relatively inexpensive. All this said, parts of 77 and 85 are always perpetually under construction, so it may not be the easy-ish hour long commute you're thinking! 

If you ever want to talk NC, shoot me a personal message! I have friends in the MPP program at Duke who swear by Sanford. 

Also, and this seems huge for your decision based on what I've read, Duke has summer work in India working with NGOs. It's technically a research opportunity. I have attached the link here: (https://sanford.duke.edu/academics/special-programs/india-summer-program-for-international-development-leaders)


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@AddSmith, Morning! 
Thank you so much for the amazing feedback! I really appreciate it. 

Just for your info, I got into Sanford's MIDP program, and waitlisted at their MPP. Just praying that I get into their MPP program before I have to accept MIDP and SIPA MPA, as that would mean more people my age and similar work experience (quantity wise). I might be a bit lost in the MIDP class which consists mostly of mid-career professionals. What are your thoughts? 

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@MoE'd I think that's entirely your call! If you're afraid of being lost, you can always begin studying now, or you can go to SIPA! I don't think Duke would have admitted you to the MIDP if they didn't think you were ready. Have you called Sanford admissions to express concerns?

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@AddSmith, yes I did write to them. Waiting to hear from them. 

Thank you. I already ruled out Columbia as of now; especially after your feedback as well...I am keen on living together with my husband. However, I would love it if I got into MPP as well, so that I can make a choice I am most comfortable with. 

Thank you so much for the help. I will probably be bothering you every now and then :)

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