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Georgetown MSFS Fall 2010


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I participated in the online chat last afternoon. Definitely got some useful insights, especially from current students in the program. That being said, I'm not anywhere closer to deciding b/w G'town and SAIS at this point. I'm hoping to attend the Open Houses in mid-April.

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Well, it's April 2 and I still haven't heard anything from Georgetown. When I called last week, I was told that they were hoping to get all of their letters out by April 1, so I should hear something this week or early next week (I live just outside of DC). Is anybody else still waiting? Is there any chance in hell that I'll get in or even get wait-listed at this point? Due to the online chats for accepted students and other things of that nature, I'm not holding out much hope. Still... I am holding on to a minute shred, no matter how unlikely.

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I'm still waiting as well. I'm not delusional and thinking that I'm in or anything...very unlikely. Oh well. Still, I would like an email or something. This seems sort of unprofessional to me.

Well, it's April 2 and I still haven't heard anything from Georgetown. When I called last week, I was told that they were hoping to get all of their letters out by April 1, so I should hear something this week or early next week (I live just outside of DC). Is anybody else still waiting? Is there any chance in hell that I'll get in or even get wait-listed at this point? Due to the online chats for accepted students and other things of that nature, I'm not holding out much hope. Still... I am holding on to a minute shred, no matter how unlikely.

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Hi Killerbees,

I am still waiting to hear from G-town as well. When I called in a couple of days ago, they told me that they just completed the final wave, and all the letter should be sent out by April 1st.

Looking at some responses from 2009 & 2008, people who got accepted/waitlisted received the letters via postal mail (not email) some time early April.

So, yes I think we should still keep our hope. It is still April 2nd.

Well, it's April 2 and I still haven't heard anything from Georgetown. When I called last week, I was told that they were hoping to get all of their letters out by April 1, so I should hear something this week or early next week (I live just outside of DC). Is anybody else still waiting? Is there any chance in hell that I'll get in or even get wait-listed at this point? Due to the online chats for accepted students and other things of that nature, I'm not holding out much hope. Still... I am holding on to a minute shred, no matter how unlikely.

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Hi Killerbees,

I have a friend who works as an admission counselor,and she said that the people who receive letters late are ones of the finalists usually,and the admission commitee wants to get additional opinions and views on those applications from other professors. So, that means our applications are good enough to be on the finalist;-)

Or, are we becoming bit narsistic?

^, ^^Thanks for your replies.

I keep thinking today's Saturday for some reason anyway. There's still another day left for mail delivery...

WTF, you know. Keep hope alive! :D

Best of luck.

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Waiting does terrible things to oneself. I've about given up hope for MSFS, but no letter yet...

Good luck to everyone who is still holding on to a small candle of hope...

Hi Killerbees,

I have a friend who works as an admission counselor,and she said that the people who receive letters late are ones of the finalists usually,and the admission commitee wants to get additional opinions and views on those applications from other professors. So, that means our applications are good enough to be on the finalist;-)

Or, are we becoming bit narsistic?

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I hear ya...Let's keep our fingers crossed...

Still no letter. Next week I guess. I am starting to annoy the hell out of everyone I know, my family, my friends. Now I might as well annoy the hell out of perfect strangers on the internet as well.

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Hi Killerbee

We are completely with you! Let's hope that all of us will get great news from G-Town ;-)

Still no letter. Next week I guess. I am starting to annoy the hell out of everyone I know, my family, my friends. Now I might as well annoy the hell out of perfect strangers on the internet as well.

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Hi Killerbee

We are completely with you! Let's hope that all of us will get great news from G-Town ;-)

Same here. I was away for the weekend and returned home in hopes of a letter from Georgetown, but there was just a Netflix DVD. Ugh. I live in Mississippi, so maybe it will be here tomorrow. One can only hope.

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Hi All the G-Town Hopefuls -

Did any of you hear from the school today? No letter for me still.

Still no letter. Next week I guess. I am starting to annoy the hell out of everyone I know, my family, my friends. Now I might as well annoy the hell out of perfect strangers on the internet as well.

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Nope, didn't hear anything today. I'm just about ready to commit to one of my other schools...wish this would just hurry up.

Hi All the G-Town Hopefuls -

Did any of you hear from the school today? No letter for me still.

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Hi All the G-Town Hopefuls -

Did any of you hear from the school today? No letter for me still.

Nope...no letter still. I was told March 23rd that all decisions had been mailed out, then when I inquired again on the 26th, they hoped to mail all decisions out by April 1. Seeing as I live in Texas, not overseas, I feel like it should have arrived by now. So frustrating!

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not sure if anyone is still waiting to hear from msfs. i just dropped them an email reminding them it is already april.

they replied within a hour to say that i am rejected. no big deal for me, but if anyone is still waiting, just drop them an email and get your answer :)

i'm done with the season!

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Why didn't they send you any email or letter to notify the status? This is pretty inconsiderate, isn't it? Did they explain why they didn't?

not sure if anyone is still waiting to hear from msfs. i just dropped them an email reminding them it is already april.

they replied within a hour to say that i am rejected. no big deal for me, but if anyone is still waiting, just drop them an email and get your answer :)

i'm done with the season!

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I still haven't received any information about my application, so I just sent an email out to gradmail@georgetown.edu requesting info. I hope this was the correct email address.

@Kokobear, I completely agree. Georgetown has been extremely unprofessional about this. They've had ample time to make decisions and send letters out to everyone.

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Just received this as a response:

"Official notifications for your program are currently being proof-read and processed through our office. We expect to be able to mail these notifications within the next week or so. Please continue to be patient, and you should receive your notification soon. We will only be sending notifications in hard copy, through the postal service.


Georgetown Graduate Admissions"

Guess I've still got to wait. Maybe i'm not outright rejected, though, since they didn't just come out and say it. But really, who knows. Oh well. Guess I'll wait.

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Seriously--that is so insane. I got my acceptance via email--couldn't they at least have had the decency to do that for EVERYONE? This is so inefficient--not that that surprises me from a government focused school! Hrmmph. I'm mad for you guys.

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Ha! "Proof-read"? :)

Not sure what to do at this point. Earlier today, I had decided to email them and get it over with but now I think I may try to exercise a bit more patience. All signs seem to point to "NO" but I'd like to get the official notice. Apparently, there were some late acceptances last year so who knows? It makes it tough to get on with life, however, and doesn't leave much decision-making time.

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I could not exercise the same patience and emailed last night...here was the response I received this morning:

Official decision letters for the MSFS program have been mailed from this office within the last few days. You should receive your notification through the postal service within a matter of days.


Georgetown Graduate Admissions

Check's in the mail, right? Lol.

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