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I am getting way ahead of myself, but do you get to check previous written comp. exams to know what to expect? I am in the Sciences, btw

I am in the Humanities, so it may be different for me... but all depends on your school. Friends of mine at different schools, programs, and even other depts in my university have totally different rules for how Comps are administered, and whether or not you can see the questions ahead of time.

So, that was basically a very long way to say, "only your advisor will know for sure."

Good luck, and don't sweat it! Comps are tough but it sounds like they are on a distant horizon for you.

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I don't know if this is applicable to you, but I know the way mine was run is pretty common in the humanities. We knew the reading list (picked most of the books), and we knew the "questions" (picked those too, though they were more like guided topics) going into the exam. We were then given a 5 hour window to compose essays (3). We weren't allowed to have anything with us in the room aside from provided blank note paper, a pencil, and a locked down computer (only allowed to use Word). In all honesty, the anticipation was worse than the actual exam. wink.gif

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I am getting way ahead of myself, but do you get to check previous written comp. exams to know what to expect? I am in the Sciences, btw

In my department, the committee members write the questions for each grad student based on their research and individual reading lists. So, looking at past questions wouldn't be a very good guide.

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