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Presentation Printing


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Where to go?

All of the local places are super expensive and far away. Without a car, that is pretty inconvenient for me unless I want to walk 3 miles. I don't want to do that in a rainy season, so I would prefer to find a place on line. Time isn't an issue as I have three weeks to get the poster. I just need something simple. It's for my undergraduate thesis research project. I know I will have better resources in the department as a grad student, but my department is touchy about doing printing for us undergrads. The printing place on campus is ridiculous, as it will cost more than $100.00 to print a simple poster, which IMO is not in my budget.

Any ideas?

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That sucks about your department not being helpful. Does your university library have its own printing service? My school's is pretty cheap, and undergrads get the first one free. The campus services printing, on the other hand, is stupidly expensive.

Also, if the places 3 miles out are relatively inexpensive, I suggest seeing if they have plastic wrap for your poster. Or invest in a waterproof poster tube if you think you'll be using it again.

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The problem is I can't reasonably see myself having the ability to get there due to the lack of pedestrian walks. It would be rather unsafe. The other one is closer, but I wouldn't call $65.00 for a poster "reasonable" either. I don't know.

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To be honest, $80-100 is what I would expect for poster printing. See if your PI can cover the cost for you.

Also, if the poster printing places are far away, bike or take a cab!

Edited by eucalyptus
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<<<< Does not own a bike. Cannot reasonably afford a cab with those prices.

I am very, very cheap.

I guess I will just bust into the other set of grant money I have. Blargh.

Thanks everyone!

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My department used to use an online service where you upload, proof, and they print and FedEx it to you in two days. You might want to look online for those services as Kinko's will tear you a new one with the prices they charge to print.

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Yeah, Kinkos wants like $120.00 here or something crazy!

I know the department usually doesn't make allowances, but I may have an in with my advisor and am going to possibly get it done for free or very, very cheap. I just had to ask the right people, I guess.

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$65 is a good price for a poster. I usually get charged between $50-100 depending upon size, color, and finish (although my PI picks up the tab). At my undergrad they charged $40 to the PI's for their printing center and those places take a financial loss so the $65 is actually quite reasonable. All told I've got like $1500 worth of posters kicking around in my closet, I just wish I could part with them as they serve me no use anymore but damn that is a chunk of change.

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It may be too late but, I recommend checking with other academic departments on campus to see if they print posters and, if so, how much they charge. I know my department charges $25 but others on campus charge $50 or even $75.

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