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Request for UW-Seattle Info


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I'm currently waitlisted at UW-Seattle, and I'd like more information. I've emailed them, but they've indicated that they can't give much more information other than that I'm waitlisted. It seems it's their policy to not release much information about the ranking of the waitlist, if there is such a ranking. So, for those waitlisted or in the know re: that department: any idea if the waitlist is ranked? For those in the program or accepted: any idea what class size they are after this year?

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. 

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Hi there again (I remember responding to you last year as well)--current UW student here. I don't know info about the waitlist (and from past years it is unclear if they admit off of it based on AOI or just go down a list. Last year only one person was admitted off of it so I don't have a lot to extrapolate from). For class size, last year they were initially restricted to 4 but managed to get the number up to 5 after someone qualified for a university fellowship (or so the rumor mills goes).

For this year I know two of the folks who were offered admission and I would suspect that the class size will be between 4-6 with the lower end being more likely based on financial restrictions that probably haven't changed since last year ? This is just a guess though since this isn't the type of info they tell current students either.

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Hello again, MtnDuck!  Thank you for this information. I really appreciate it. 

Two follow up questions:

(i) Any idea whether those two folks will accept their offers? Just wondering whether, and to what degree, they will dip into their waitlist this round. 

(ii) How do you like the program thus far? 

I realize both of these questions might be better addressed via DM, so that'd be fine with me. 

Thanks again. 

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1 hour ago, shadowyBeing said:

Hello again, MtnDuck!  Thank you for this information. I really appreciate it. 

Two follow up questions:

(i) Any idea whether those two folks will accept their offers? Just wondering whether, and to what degree, they will dip into their waitlist this round. 

(ii) How do you like the program thus far? 

I realize both of these questions might be better addressed via DM, so that'd be fine with me. 

Thanks again. 

I'll DM you :) 

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