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UC Berkeley MEng in Nuclear Engineering or UIUC MEng in Energy Systems


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Hi all, 

I have applied to UC Berkeley's MEng in Nuclear Engineering and UIUC's MEng in Energy Systems. I have just received an offer from UCB which requires my response by mid Apr, while UIUC's offer will not come in till May. 

Any views on the 2 abovementioned universities and courses and whether I should wait it out? 

By the way I'm an international applicant and cost is not a deciding factor since I've already secured funding for my study. 

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On 3/6/2019 at 11:20 PM, wittyviolin689 said:

Which country are you from? Michigan has the best Nuclear Engineering degree :)

I'll suggest going with Berkeley as you do not want to end up in a situation without a school, and Berkeley is very decent.


Actually, I applied Michigan too and am still waiting for the results. But personally I'm more inclined towards uiuc or Berkeley as their MEng programs seem to be more industry focused compared to the typical MSc and I'm not planning to do PhD. 

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As an undergrad in Berkeley’s NucE, I would say the department is great in a way that is small and you really get to connect to the professors. But compared to UMich, we have less diversity in research and courses to be offered. But that being said, we are next to LBNL, LLNL, UCSF, and we have great EECS courses and resources if you want a more tech oriented career.

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