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Funding, Scholarships, TA/GA, etc.

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Hey all, I hope I'm not duplicating a previous thread but I wanted to bring up tuition and how to pay off for it. Actually, I'd like us all to share what we can do to pay off tuition so any question regarding that is welcome.

That said, I recently received an admission offer along with a generous scholarship for one of my grad school choices. Now I wanted to know if it would be possible to negotiate or discuss with other programs about funding opportunities. Not that I am ungrateful about being accepted to other programs but I would like to give myself a good chance to carefully select a school I feel would suit me while not having to go into large debt.


In addition, is it the norm to wait until you have accepted an offer of admission to inquire about TA'ing or anything similar? Or is it something that should be asked about before making a decision?

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10 hours ago, Aspire_to_Be said:

That said, I recently received an admission offer along with a generous scholarship for one of my grad school choices. Now I wanted to know if it would be possible to negotiate or discuss with other programs about funding opportunities. Not that I am ungrateful about being accepted to other programs but I would like to give myself a good chance to carefully select a school I feel would suit me while not having to go into large debt.

I'm in the same boat! The program I'm considering has an open house coming up and they said they'll be discussing finances there. So I plan to gather my questions and save them up for that event, since I'm sure many other new admits will have similar questions. All the emails I've received from financial aid and the admissions office have had a similar tone of "reach out if you have any questions" so I think it's appropriate to be transparent and let them know what you're thinking about. That's my plan anyways!

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