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Any ENG majors willing to check my GRE issue practice?


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Topic: Governments should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.

            The government has always had a strong hold on all areas of research and development. But, what if the government had few to no rules on scientific research and development? There are many potential risks and disasters that could result if there are no regulations on scientific research and development. The government needs to focus on the common good and limits in order to protect the societies safety. The government needs to have restrictions on all scientific research and development. 

            If there are no restrictions on scientific research and development the results of the research may not be for the common good. Having no limits on scientific research allows invasive testing on humans. For example, if a scientist wanted to test a new medicine on a person and did not have any regulations to go through in order to test this medicine, it could possibly harm another human greatly. Also, having no restrictions on research could increase the extinction of animals. If there are no rules on how many rabbits or birds a scientist could try chemicals on, that could kill more animals and increase the chances of extinction. There needs to be limits to all scientific research and development in the interest of the common good. 

            How far is too far? A society relies on rules and regulations. If there are no rules how far could a person go? We have seen from time and time again that the world cannot live without rules. There has been no time in history where a society has worked without having any rules or limitations. If the world cannot live without regulations, how can scientific research and development? The government not having any control of scientific research in any capacity could harm the society.  

            It can be said that having no regulations on scientific research and development could allow scientists to discover things quicker. But, finding things quicker does not mean they are ethical. Where do we draw the line? Allowing a scientist to do whatever he or she wants, brings a potential risk to the society. If there are no inspections or rules to follow, how does a scientist know what he or she is doing is safe? For example, is a scientist is researching a chemical and had no rules on how he or she can or cannot practice with this chemical and ends up getting sick and dying or endangering others in the building? There needs to some type of rule in order to make sure everything is safe. 

            In order to live in a safe and secure world there needs to be regulations and rules. It is very important to have these rules in place for the common good. The government needs to have restrictions on all scientific research and development. 

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