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Reapplication limits - are they enforced??

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Title is pretty self-explanatory.  Some schools SAY 'you can only apply here 3 times,' but I'm wondering if this is actually true or not--is it enforced?  Is there a way the school will know if you applied over 3 times?  Desperately want to know so that I am clear on whether I should apply to these schools of choice this year.

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I have never seen this limit mentioned anywhere explicitly so I don’t have an answer but I was dissuaded against reapplying to the same school even once based on the logic that if they rejected you once why would they accept you a second time. I would assume that if it doesn’t happen 3 times it won’t happen a 4th and it’s best to look at other schools.

That said, I’m enrolled in a program that had previously rejected me.

More practically, if they explicitly say it, and considering all the private info they gather, I assume they know if you have already applied since it’s quite easy to track. Taking everything together, it seems like a waste (unless this is just the absolute perfect dream school and your profile has changed significantly, so might as well try).

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