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Forensic Criminoloy/psychology


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Hello Guys, 

I am new to this forum. I need guidance in deciding my phd program. I am police Inspector working against white collar crime in Pakistan. I did my MSc in transnational crime, justice and security studies from the university of Glasgow, Scotland, the UK. Now I am highly interested to expand my knowledge and career base by getting PhD. I am looking into fusion of forensic psychology and criminology. But i cant find any such program/ college offering this course in the USA. Moreover, is getting PhD from USA in this subject very difficult?

Looking forward to getting your expert advices. 

Kind regards


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Seems like maybe you could find a forensic program and then get another advisor who does criminology to be a thesis advisor? Not an expert in this area though. Do you have any research experience? 

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1 hour ago, Ppkitty said:

Seems like maybe you could find a forensic program and then get another advisor who does criminology to be a thesis advisor? Not an expert in this area though. Do you have any research experience? 

My understanding is that Forensic Psychology is the APA recognized version of Criminal Psychology (that is not APA recognized), I think forensic psychology in the USA already includes a criminology component? But this isn't my field, I'm just going if what I've heard a friend discussing whose field it is. So maybe for the USA you are just looking first Forensic Psychology programs that have a mentor whose research/focus match or are similar to yours in relation to criminology?

I don't know, though, but that's where I would start looking- hopefully someone in the field in the USA will see this and have more answers (so if nothing else this response is just a helpful bump) ?

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There is actually a few ways of doing this. First, you could look at a PhD in Sociology. Many sociologists are doing work in the criminology field. There are a bunch of forensic PhD programs in the UK, pretty sure Birmingham has one. You could also go the PhD in Psychology route and find people who do research in forensics. Lastly, the PhD in Criminology route, focusing on someone who does work in both fields. Some people do combine disciplines by doing an MSW for the psychology aspect and then a Masters in Criminology for the Criminal Justice aspect. The field is fairly new so there is no perfect route to get there. It all comes down to what do you want to do exactly, what is the end goal with the PhD? Feel free to PM me if you have any questions!

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