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Chances of getting a research assistant position in psychology post-master after a year of inactivity


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    A little blurb about me before I delve into my situation. I graduated from this master's program in experimental psychology in Indiana back in May 2019. But since I didn't get my thesis finished until July, my school put down my official graduation month as August 2019.  During my time at this school, I worked at this research lab that consisted of me, my adviser, and undergraduate RAs (FYI, they change every semester). This lab I used to work at examined attention. I graduated with a 3.89 GPA and after I finished my coursework and defended my thesis, I moved back home. I know this sounds weird but currently, I'm working at this place where I used to work during my gap year (which is a before-and-after school program filled with kids that have special needs and kids who don't) after I left this lab at a local university due to my conflicting research interests with that of my PI. He told me that it's better if I go work at another lab. I'm currently reapplying for jobs as a research assistant in psychology so I can go back and get my PhD in clinical psychology. Could I possibly get another job as a research assistant at another psychology lab? Any suggestions would be appreciated! 

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I think it is definitely possible! It will take some perseverance for sure though. I got a research master's in 2017 and it still took me a year to get a research coordinator position. Many times I felt like I was overqualified for some research assistant positions because a lot of places hire undergrads straight out of school. But I think it is worth applying to as many places as you can and you will get there eventually! Good luck! Let me know if you have any questions for me :) 

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Go for it! I think with any background, RA positions can be tough to find, so I think you're experiences would help show how qualified you are! I would definitely recommend being as flexible as possible with location. When I applied to RA positions, I applied all over the country, but I understand that that may not be an option for everyone. I would also look for RA or Research Coordinator positions in psychiatry departments as well, since I feel like psychology departments often hire undergrads who were a part of their lab. Lastly, make sure your application materials highlight how this position fits in with your future goals and research/clinical interests. Best of luck!!

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