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Conformity almost always leads to a deadening of individual creativity and energy. 

Does conformity prey upon the creativity and energy of an individual? I beg to differ with the speaker’s claim because it overstates the role of individuality and unfairly undermines the benefits of conformity. History certainly holds a testimony that many major contribution to the society stem from individuality but, it also holds equivalent amount of examples when conformity has led to many ground breaking discoveries especially today.

I concede to that fact that many inventions and innovations in the past have stemmed from individuality, people who do not fold, and pursue their instincts relentlessly. Almost every time we think of a ground breaking scientific discovery, an errant, introvert heretic person closed in a quiet, dingy laboratory comes to our mind. And, I would certainly not argue that big conglomerates and governments have impeded the path of innovations by imposing rules which may pose some threat to their power. So, from Copernicus to Einstein many scientist have more or less maintained their individual stance and refuse to fold in front of authority.

As much the above examples seem compelling, there is another side to this story. There are many examples especially in today’s society, where cooperations encourage employees to pursue their creative instincts, giving them the necessary resources required for the gumption of the research. Individuality may engender the idea, but the resource to bring those ideas to fruition still lies with the states and big conglomerates. And, these big cooperations, which thrive on profit margins, have come to realise that scientific and technical innovations can boost their revenues, they have started pumping more money to bolster creativity of individuals. Many big firms have entire divisions for innovation and research. Google, the tech giant, fosters innovation in its employees by provided them all the necessary resources and latitude. So, when people are freed up from worries about winning the bread and their survival they are able to focus more on creativity. This adds to a win-win situation.
Lets, talk about the path of innovation and discovery science is treading on today. The scale at which scientific discoveries take place today is huge. The amount of economic resources it requires are gargantuan. Such studies no longer can be carried out by an individual sequestered in a room. The complexities of theses problems require people from across the world to brainstorm and governments of different nations to work in concord. Many space exploration project spring upon these combined efforts.  

And, it is because we all conform to the betterment of the society and humanity, almost all of our researches buttress this aim. We relegate the discoveries that bedevils our very own existence. Genetic engineering, which works to produce a better human breed or psychology which aims to find the reasons of foibles in human nature. Conformity, gives us a definitive aim to strive for.

In sum, there are many instances where conformity has preyed upon individual creativity but is equally important to further our interests and instincts. We no longer thrive on discoveries which could be sorted out in a single laboratory, it requires huge economical resources and man power support, which can be only fostered when we conform. Not to mention, today everyone recognise the power of individual creativity and hence, works to bolster it.

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