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anthropology vs comms?


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hi anthro peeps!

i'm currently in the process of applying to communications programs with concentrations in sport as i look to study sports, social justice, and an athlete's impact on activism through their platforms on social media.

I'm also super interested in the anthropological side of sport and social justice and how it's driven social change throughout our modern society.

'm really curious: i'd love to hear from any anthropology phds! on your perspective of your program, if you think i would be better off going for an anthro degree instead of comms? comms people, would love your perspective here. i'm mainly curious when i think about how the programs would go in terms of research and teaching after. which would provide more flexibility in career and teaching courses?

thanks in advance for your wisdom and input :)

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Hey there! 


I think this goes without saying, but a lot rides on which programs you decide to apply to and ultimately attend.  I tell everyone who is thinking of applying to anthropology programs to read this article:




Basically, the elite anthropology programs (Chicago, Yale, Harvard, etc) still place their students in good academic jobs. The chances for everyone else are slim to none, and getting slimmer every year as universities eliminate academic jobs.

That being said, the elite programs might not have anyone you want to work with.   So I think the first thing you need to do is come up with a list of programs you would consider applying to, then look at how successful they are in placing their students. Your decision might already be made for you :) 


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@oroanthro thank you! really appreciate your advice here. got a little bit of leg work to do in coming up with a list of programs and then taking a look at how successful they are. it sounds like once that list is done, it'll be pretty clear which direction to go. thank you!

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