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unpublished background paper for UN agency meeting in CV?


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A while back I wrote a background paper for an important meeting on migration at the UN, it never got published, but it was many months worth of work and it was an actual contribition. 

I've never listed it in my CV, is there a way I can do this? 

In another job offer they ask for "research contributions" including poster sessions and conferences and even the tinies contribution you can include. This paper was more work than any conference presentation I've done, but I don't know how to list or even if I should. Any thoughts? 

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Yes, absolutely include it.

Some possibilities:

  • If this was part of a job or paid position or internship or professional volunteering, you could include it as a bullet point under that position.
  • For the job that asks for "research contributions" - I myself would put it there.
  • You can structure your CV so that it has a "Research Experience" section, which can include this paper.

Text looks something like:

"Utilized XYZ (name or type) databases to conduct XYZtype research on XYZ migration" or "Conducted interdisciplinary research on XYZtype migration through interviews, newspaper database analysis, political analysis, ETC ETC." 

Feel free to DM me your specific language and I will read through. 

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