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Penn GSE PhD Decisions


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On 2/9/2021 at 10:39 AM, LilyKitty said:


When did you get interviewed by POI? Earlier or later then the Doctoral weekend? I also talked to my POI but ended up without being invited to the event. I think you did a fantastic job! You got an ad from your dream school anyways! Cheer up and don't feel sad:).

Hi, I did my interview on 1/13, earlier than the Doctoral weekend I think.

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On 2/10/2021 at 3:27 PM, Inging_329 said:

Hi, I did my interview on 1/13, earlier than the Doctoral weekend I think.

Hi! I got an interview for TLL and went to the weekend. I don’t have any info for sure, but I can say two things that don’t really give any clarity for sure but are interesting. The learning sciences program is relatively new (I think one of the professors I talked to said in its first year as its own official branch? Not totally sure..). If it’s new, maybe they aren’t doing things exactly the same as others. That being said, there were a good chunk of candidates interviewing for learning sciences. There were 18 for TLL and LS and I think 8ish were LS and I think there were 3 or 4 professors for that program. A current student I spoke with after the poster session said about half of the folks at the interview weekend end up at penn. Some get offers and go elsewhere, some don’t get offers, and about half (20ish) end up there. 

Also, for future readers sleuthing in coming years, I found the interview weekend to be much easier than anticipated. All 5 of my interviewers (20 mins each scheduled over three hours) basically just asked why a PhD, why penn, why now, and what do you want to study? They were kind and curious and inviting. It was as much a recruiting tool as an interview tool. They were pitching their school pretty hard. I expected to be scrutinized and grilled and have harder questions, but it really was just about getting to know each other. Still do your homework and know who you’re talking to, but they aren’t trying to trick you or challenge you. 

I haven’t heard back yet, so I’m guessing it’ll be the 4th Friday of feb this year. Trying to distract myself while I wait (clearly unsuccessfully as I logged into here ?

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17 minutes ago, Anthony81 said:

Decisions came out for UPenn PhD Around 9:00am this morning. I got accepted. 

Congratulations, Anthony81!! Must feel good to have the official acceptance :) I officially got rejected, but it is what it is, and I will try again next year. Congrats again!

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