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Applying for Art History PHD UK


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I am also interested in potentially doing a phD in the UK in art history as well! I just spoke to some USA phD students who were saying that it sounds like there typically isn't as much support at UK programs and you need to go in really knowing what you what to write about and you get out in 3yrs vs in the USA where you are taking a lot of classes, teaching, building your network, taking fellowships etc x 8yrs. Also (depending on field and school you go to there) it may make it more difficult for you to get professor teaching jobs in the US because they know the rigor and teaching experience isn't the same over there. However, there are always exceptions, one of my old profs got his PhD from Courtauld and was able to teach to at a good American school, but I bet his studying there was very relevant to his area of expertise. I hear Goldsmiths, Courtauld, Royal College are all good. I am probably leaning more towards curatorial work than teaching so am still open to doing it. I also am curious if there are any ways to get funding as an international student out there.

Edited by Arthistoryiscool
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