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How many applications did you submit?

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(completely anonymous; no data collected other than the numbers. This isn't for a class, I'm just curious. If you saw this on reddit too please only do it once!)



According to ASHA's aggregate data from 2019-2020, there were 56,148 applications to master’s degree programs, 21,877 applications received an acceptance, and only 9,826 first-year students enrolled. While that is a 39% acceptance rate, this statistic reflects the number of applications, not the number of applicants.

Here's a hypothetical:

Let's say that everyone that received an acceptance enrolled. That would mean that the accepted students received an average of 2.2 acceptances each. If everyone that was accepted didn't receive any rejections, and everyone that applied submitted 2.2 applications each, there would be approximately 25,522 total applicants. That's a 38.5% acceptance rate.

But, some of the students that were accepted likely also received some rejections. If everyone that applied submitted an average of 2.5 applications, there would be approximately 22,459 total applicants and a 44% acceptance rate.

If everyone that applied submitted 3 applications each, there would be 18,716 total applicants and a 53% acceptance rate.



I want to see how many applications people on this sub submitted, on average, during an application season, so that I can make a more accurate guess as to what the actual acceptance rate would be. I also want to see if turning in a greater number of applications is correlated with a higher chance of acceptance.

I'll update this post with the results!

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