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Really Low GPA (I was academically suspended) - Should I even keep hope of being an SLP?

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Hi - I am interested in becoming a SLP, but I worry that my past GPA would bring me down.

History time!: I attended many many community colleges and universities -- I failed out of many of them or withdrew from them.  I mean, I have a lot of F's and W's.  I was even academically suspended from one of the universities. At the time, I was really going through a hard time and was not in the best mental state.

I was kicked out of my home due to personal conflict and was going through a lot of financial problems because of it.  I had to work basically full time, so I could support myself; since my parents no longer was involved in my life at the time. Having a constant mental breakdown. So, I did really poorly in school. Then, I was academically suspended from my university. 

After leaving university, I decided to start working and refocusing on my life and goals.  I do that. My life is on track again, but it takes 5 years before I return back to school. The university I attended has a reset policy.  If you leave school and come back 2 years later; you basically get forgiven grades lower than a C.

So, five years later, I return back to school, refocused, and in a better mental state.  My first back I get a 3.6 (Dean's List), second semester and graduating semester 3.5 (Dean's List), but with all the forgiveness - I am left with a 2.75 GPA (but the other schools are like 1.5 or lower).  So, I decided to take some post-bacc courses.  I get an A in Biology at a community college (4.0) because it's ASHA required.  So, now I am taking CSD post-bacc, I currently have a 3.75 GPA.


So, my concern is... most schools require a 3.0 cumulative undergraduate GPA. I don't think I will have a 3.0 overall. 

How does my chances look for getting into a graduate school?  Any advice will be appreciated.

Edited by unccrm
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  • unccrm changed the title to Really Low GPA (I was academically suspended) - Should I even keep hope of being an SLP?

Hi @unccrm

Most schools place more weight on your pre-reqs and the last 60 units of coursework. These matter more than what you did prior. If you explain your circumstances in your SOP and tie it into how it will make you a stronger SLP, plus have good recommendations, applicable extracurricular/work experiences, and competitive GREs, you should be golden. 

I would recommend seeking out programs that indicate they accept a wider range of GPAs. You can find that information using ASHA EdFind. 

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Your CSD post bacc sounds pretty good and that's weighed more than your overall GPA. However, schools do still look at your overall GPA and consider that along with your GRE and other extracurriculars. Numerics like GPA and GRE are usually reviewed first things like personal statement and extracurriculars are viewed next. I would apply for programs that have a holistic admissions committee and look on ASHA EdFind to figure out the average GPA and GRE schools typically accept.

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