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Is "all" college classes meant to be taken literally



So I'm applying to grad school for my MSW, ten years after getting my BA from College X. A few years ago I took a couple art classes at the local community college, just for fun, and I also studied abroad when I was in college (the credits were transferred to my college, counting toward my BA and are listened on my transcript from College X).

While working on the application for my first choice school, I found this instruction:

" Send official transcripts from all undergraduate universities (including community colleges)...The University will not admit you without ALL undergraduate transcripts, even if it involves only 1 course!"

My gut reaction is that this doesn't apply to me and just my College X transcript would be okay--I don't need to try and get an official transcript from a)the community college, b)the place I studied abroad while in undergrad. But it's been so long since I was in school, I am worried about doing the application wrong because this wording sounds strict! How would you all read this?

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I would contact your first choice school and just ask for clarification, but they emphasized "ALL" and "even it it involves only 1 course" then my assumption is you should send them transcripts of every institution you've attended. 

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