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2022 Rhetoric and Composition PhD Applicants


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Hey all! I'm currently applying to PhD programs in Rhet/Comp and was not able to find a forum for this application cycle. I figured I should start one so we can ask questions and fret about the application cycle together ? I applied to Michigan State and am in the process of applying to U Massachusetts, Amherst;  U Michigan, Ann Arbor; and UCI. My research interests include antiracist writing pedagogy, global Englishes, and intersections of race, identity, and power in the writing classroom. 

I'd love to know which schools you are applying to, your research interests, etc. One thing I've been worried about is how soon we can expect to hear back from programs, so if you have any info on that, I thank you in advance!

Looking forward to hearing from you all!



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On 12/2/2021 at 3:25 PM, s.renteria said:

Hey all! I'm currently applying to PhD programs in Rhet/Comp and was not able to find a forum for this application cycle. I figured I should start one so we can ask questions and fret about the application cycle together ? I applied to Michigan State and am in the process of applying to U Massachusetts, Amherst;  U Michigan, Ann Arbor; and UCI. My research interests include antiracist writing pedagogy, global Englishes, and intersections of race, identity, and power in the writing classroom. 

I'd love to know which schools you are applying to, your research interests, etc. One thing I've been worried about is how soon we can expect to hear back from programs, so if you have any info on that, I thank you in advance!

Looking forward to hearing from you all!

Hi, @s.renteria. I believe the thread you're looking for is here: 


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