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I am currently applying to Classics MA programs with Notre Dame as my top choice. I applied on 1/15 and interviewed me last month (2/17), it seemed to go very well and some of the professors' words implied I'd be admitted. However, it's been completely silent since then. I emailed the gradate director last Tuesday to just politely ask if there was any timeline for when decisions may come out and never received a reply. Is there anything else I can do to just find out if my application is still being considered? It seems odd that it's taking so long when I need to have an answer in less than a month, the application portal simply says that no decision has been made. If they had accepted students and were waiting to see if they would reject them, wouldn't I be waitlisted? And if I were no longer being considered, wouldn't I be rejected by now? I just don't see what the delay is and I'm getting nervous. I've been lucky enough to get good offers from other programs and thought that would bode well for Notre Dame but now I'm really not sure. I've checked Grad Cafe and nobody has mentioned being admitted or rejected from Notre Dame's Classics MA, but it's such a small program that they just may not have people on this site. 

I guess my question would be, is this normal for a program to take this long after an initial interview or have I probably been forgotten and they've forgotten to update the portal? Also if anyone happens to know if Notre Dame has sent any acceptances to the Classics MA please let me know, thank you!

  • 2 weeks later...

If I remember correctly, last year Notre Dame had sent out at least some of the rejections by now.  I don't know if ND uses waitlists, but given how they accept only about two people each round, it does seem less likely that anything would be posted here.  

In any case, congrats on the other offers!

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