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Fulbright-Hays DDRA 2010-2011


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IMPORTANT UPDATE: The National Humanities Alliance is organizing a letter-writing campaign to try and save the Fulbright-Hays from the drastic cuts proposed in the recently passed budget.

To make it easier for all of us, they have created a simple online system for writing to our congressional reps about this important issue:


Please forward this information to your respective dept. administrators, student listhosts, etc.

The more letters we can submit, the better it will be for all of us!

I recommend posting this to your Facebook profile it you have one so all your friends can also write to their reps!

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true. that's probably a lot of what's going on.

that's one way to read it, but i suspect they have been getting lots of inquiries long the lines of "i have x fellowship or i need to notify y organization of my plans immediately -- when will you have the results?"

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Yes! Great idea, please do post on facebook, and ask your friends to repost.

Also, please consider emailing your dept listhost or university listhost to share this info with as many people as possible... strength in numbers!

I recommend posting this to your Facebook profile it you have one so all your friends can also write to their reps!

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Every time I apply for something that I care about (grants, fellowships, programs, whatever) I am always struck by how the word "soon" can mean such a different thing to an applier than to an appliee.

I am trying so hard not to be too anxious about a grant that I am almost certainly not going to get this round. But I guess hope springs eternal. :rolleyes:

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any updates?

I got an email from my fulbright rep saying that his contact in DC said the Fulbright-Hays decisions would be announced "soon." Just thought I'd share.

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I'm sorry to be so crazy, but I have to ask the forum a paranoid question: are you able to log onto the e-grants website anymore? Up until 2 or 3 weeks ago, I was able to log in whenever I wanted and it would let me look at and even re-download a pdf copy of the application I had submitted for the DDRA online. However, as of a few days ago, I am no longer able to log into e-grants with my old username and password. I tried to reset the password, but no matter what I do it won't let me log back in. I'm trying not to read anything into this... but, since I'm a paranoid graduate student, I just wanted to know if anyone else has had trouble accessing their e-grant profile? thanks in advance

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Just tried. I can't log in either. I get an "invalid database error." This is probably a good sign. I would think it means that nothing is being reviewed anymore and they are close to an announcement.

I'm curious how these people come up with different projected dates for the announcement. If I were just going off what I read on the NHA website, I would say that the DoE will be conducting internal debates until around the middle of May, so we wouldn't hear anything until at least a week after that. But the Fulbright-Hays coordinator has said "soon," which seems to me to imply that it will be sooner than that (the middle of May). So if I were making a guess, I wouldn't be surprised to hear this week, but nor would I be surprised to hear at the end of May. I wonder if other people's reasoning parallels mine, or if they have access to some information that we don't.

I'm sorry to be so crazy, but I have to ask the forum a paranoid question: are you able to log onto the e-grants website anymore? Up until 2 or 3 weeks ago, I was able to log in whenever I wanted and it would let me look at and even re-download a pdf copy of the application I had submitted for the DDRA online. However, as of a few days ago, I am no longer able to log into e-grants with my old username and password. I tried to reset the password, but no matter what I do it won't let me log back in. I'm trying not to read anything into this... but, since I'm a paranoid graduate student, I just wanted to know if anyone else has had trouble accessing their e-grant profile? thanks in advance

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I'm sorry to be so crazy, but I have to ask the forum a paranoid question: are you able to log onto the e-grants website anymore? Up until 2 or 3 weeks ago, I was able to log in whenever I wanted and it would let me look at and even re-download a pdf copy of the application I had submitted for the DDRA online. However, as of a few days ago, I am no longer able to log into e-grants with my old username and password. I tried to reset the password, but no matter what I do it won't let me log back in. I'm trying not to read anything into this... but, since I'm a paranoid graduate student, I just wanted to know if anyone else has had trouble accessing their e-grant profile? thanks in advance

My username/password actually stopped working a while ago (longer than 2/3 weeks). I wouldn't worry about it.

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ok thanks, that's what i thought (figured I was just being paranoid, but had to check). looking into it further, it appears that the reason the usernames no longer work is because the website has now migrated to g5.gov ... so I guess if we're reapplying next year (g-d forbid!) we'll have to create new usernames and such. thanks for the help :-)

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lisarog, i don't remember when it was that i tried to get on, but it was a long time ago ... and mine wasn't working. it has to have been at least a month, but i'd put it at closer to two. yours was still working a couple of weeks ago?

gaaaaaaaaaah. this process is maddening.

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@igotmeanewname; apologies - i don't remember how long it's been, maybe a month, perhaps two (i've been taking exams, so the past few months have just soared by super quick and i've lost all sense of time).

but when i called the helpdesk because i was being paranoid, they told me that they have been migrating everything over to the g5.gov website for a while, so it's possible some of us were migrated over to the new website earlier than others. basically, this seems to be all about the switch to the new website and nothing else.

i think its just that, in the absence of other news, its easy to get obsessed with these superfluous details:-)

lisarog, i don't remember when it was that i tried to get on, but it was a long time ago ... and mine wasn't working. it has to have been at least a month, but i'd put it at closer to two. yours was still working a couple of weeks ago?

gaaaaaaaaaah. this process is maddening.

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Ah, the $64k question, so to speak. I'd say the longer they take to make the announcement, the more likely that is.

Does anyone know whether the budget cuts will have an impact on the number of grants given?

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Maybe we should start making bets. My bet is that successful candidates will hear on May 19.

They notify the schools about the successful and unsuccessful candidates at the same time. My school notified the accepted students first and then took their sweet time notifying everybody else - but it theoretically could happen all at once.

Does anyone know whether the budget cuts will have an impact on the number of grants given?

They cut the budget for the Fulbright-Hays by 40%, so its fairly likely that grad student grants will be cut - I've yet to see any break down of how they're distributing the cuts between the various F-H programs. Since the cuts just happened two weeks ago, I'm guessing that's what they're figuring out right now. Last year the F-H notices went out at the end of April.

Edited by laobaixing
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Laobaixing, have you heard that they have identified specific cuts? It's actually unclear from what I've read in articles shared by Lisarog and others how the cuts in higher education will be distributed. No specific cuts to FB Hays were actually mandated by law. See this link, posted by others previously:My linkhttp://www.nhalliance.org/news/white-house-congress-reach-deal-on-fy-2011-funding~print.shtml

Here is the relevant text:

"The FY 2011 levels for NEH and NHPRC are specified in the text of the legislation. However, in many instances, the only confirmation of a reduction comes from a list posted Tuesday by House Appropriations Committee Chairman Harold Rodgers (R/KY). This is true of the Title VI and Teaching American History programs, which are both sub-accounts within the Department of Education. Federal agencies will have thirty days, following enactment of the bill, to report back to Congress with a plan to implement revised FY11 spending levels, and will generally have broad discretion in allocating funds."

As I understand it, that's why it's so important to write letters to Congress and DoE. It might actually help.

Edited by laska
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